Hillary Clinton Wins Big In 2014 Midterm Elections

There is certainly no getting around the fact that the 2014 midterm election was, indeed, a wave victory for the Republican Party.

How else can we possibly explain gubernatorial victories for candidates like Governor Rick Scott in Florida, Larry Hogan in Maryland and Gov. LaPage in Mainecandidates who could only have reached the winners circle by being swept up in the GOP wave that lifted all Republican boats.

But Republicans around the nation were not the only big winners last night.

Standing, metaphysically speaking, just out of view on the many stages where Republican winners gave victory speeches and inside the hotel ballrooms where happy Republican supporters ate, drank and were merry, was the one person who may have been the biggest winner of the night

Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Yes, I am all too aware that a few candidates who were given the Clinton stamp of approvalcomplete with multiple campaign appearances by Bill and Hilarywent down in flames.

However, anyone who would imagine that these loses were somehow predictive of how Secretary Clinton might fare in a presidential primary race for the nomination of her party or the 2016 general election is truly deluding themselves.

It was not the Clintons who were on trial last nightit was the current occupant of the White House who was sent a message of disapproval in no uncertain terms. It was Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid who was rejected by voters throughout the nation, including a great many whom have likely never even heard of Harry Reid.

So, how does Hillary benefit from the Democrats Shellacking II- The Sequel?

In case you havent noticed, Hillary Clinton has felt the inevitable pull of moving to her left over the past few weeks. This should surprise absolutely nobody given the time-honored tradition in both parties of candidates racing to the far sides of their political party so as to please the base that shows up to vote during primaries. Once the nomination is secured, each then furiously races back toward the center where one has the best chance to win the general election and the big prizeunless, of course, you are Mitt Romney who appeared to never get the memo on this.

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Hillary Clinton Wins Big In 2014 Midterm Elections

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