Hillary Clinton’s latest comeback – CNN.com

Story highlights Hillary Clinton fights to put furor over a private email server behind her Early signs suggest Clinton is doing what the Clintons do best: mounting a comeback

She's quietly fighting back a week after her awkward and occasionally combative news conference on the furor over the private email server she used while running the State Department.

Clinton's Twitter account is buzzing this week with posts that test political messages on health care, college affordability, civil rights and jobs -- issues she hopes will help mobilize President Barack Obama's Democratic coalition and pave her way to the presidency.

Meanwhile, her nascent operation is leaking details of future staffers in an unmistakeable message to Democrats spooked by the email flap that the campaign-in-waiting will become an official effort, possibly as soon as next month.

READ: Clinton staffs up press, state operations

A CNN/ORC International Poll out on Wednesday found that she's miles ahead of any potential Democratic challenger and would beat all potential Republican candidates by at least 10 points.

Despite fretting among some Democrats who worried that the party's best -- and perhaps only -- viable Democratic candidate appeared to be in trouble, early signs suggest Clinton is doing what the Clintons do best: mounting a comeback.

"The interest in the story is collapsing onto itself. I don't see an organic clamoring for more information," said a longtime Clinton ally who didn't want to speak for a campaign that hasn't yet been announced.

This person, who has spent time in Iowa, argued that outside the community of political reporters and consultants in Washington and New York who fixated on the story, the people who really count -- voters -- weren't really interested.

"People very much want to know what the campaign is going to be about ... what is she going to do about student loan costs, for example?"

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