Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign quietly begins to take shape

Hillary Clinton's campaign is quietly beginning to take shape.


Washington (CNN) -- Hillary Clinton has spent the final moments of the midterm campaign season publicly deflecting the flurry of questions about her likely run for president.

But behind the scenes, her campaign machine is quietly whirring to life.

Clinton insiders have begun to approach Washington-based Democratic operatives who may play a role in a potential campaign and are soliciting their recommendations on other possible staffers, according to Democrats familiar with the conversations.

A number Clinton associates are compiling staffing lists, according to multiple Democratic sources. Michael Whouley and Minyon Moore of the Democratic communications and consulting firm Dewey Square Group are one conduit to Clinton's inner circle and among the primary compilers of the campaign universe that will surround Clinton, should she run.

The firm is led by veteran players in Clinton world. Whouley was an adviser to Vice President Al Gore and a Clinton campaign aide while Moore is a longtime Clinton confidante.

Ginny Terzano, head of communications for Dewey Square, said the characterization is "incorrect."

"DSG officials have no role" in a potential Clinton campaign, she said.

Operatives at the firm are reviewing possible Clinton staffers "under the guise of spitballing ideas," as one Democratic source put it.

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Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign quietly begins to take shape

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