Letter: On integrity in reporting – Daily Herald

A recent letter assault on the integrity of Daily Herald reporting began by questioning the integrity of the "high-minded" Managing Editor for Opinion, ("Newspaper's 'integrity' often missing in reports," Your Views, April 24). The letter went on to question reporting on the "wholly disproven 'Russian collusion' hoax," as well as a front-page headline "Scope of Florida's 'Don't Say Gay' law expanded."

To the best of my knowledge, the "Russian collusion" hoax was not disproven by right-wing writers such as Fox News analyst Gregg Jarrett with his 2018 book "The Russia Hoax: The Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton and Frame Donald Trump." On the contrary, according to the following October 9, 2020, Factcheck Post: President Trump and his supporters on social media are citing unverified "Russian intelligence" from 2016 as evidence that Hillary Clinton "was behind the entire Russian collusion hoax." But that so-called intelligence is largely a reflection of publicly available information at the time. Federal investigations since then have documented multiple links between Trump associates and individuals tied to the Russian government.

To his credit, the writer was correct in saying that the phrase "Don't Say Gay" is nowhere in the Florida law. Nonetheless, the Parental Rights and Education Act (HB 1557) is commonly known among Floridians, as well as by other news organizations, by that much more descriptive phrase.

Based on my more than 50 years of reading the Herald, with the rare exception of some readers' comments, I have yet to see the newspaper publish claims that are patently false.

Frank G. Splitt

Mount Prospect

See the original post:
Letter: On integrity in reporting - Daily Herald

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