Nancy Pelosi: ‘If Hillary Clinton had won, I might have gone home’ – Washington Examiner

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Monday she might have retired if Hillary Clinton had beaten Donald Trump in November.

"If Hillary Clinton had won, I might have gone home, but with Donald Trump in the White House and Republican majority in both Houses, no way," Pelosi told CBS "This Morning."

The 77-year-old California Democrat has been playing defense since last Tuesday, when Republicans clinched a fourth and fifth special election win in Georgia and South Carolina.

Democrats, including House rank-and-file members, have called for new leadership as Republicans, including President Trump, have celebrated the GOP's gains with Pelosi as the head of the opposition.

Pelosi insisted she is still a vital part of the Democratic Party, calling herself a "master legislator" after the election results.

"I'm experienced in terms of knowing institutional memory of the Congress," Pelosi said. "The fact is this, I've led in '05 and '06 to take us to the majority became speaker of the House. President Obama became president, he was our spokesperson for eight years, we just lost the election ... We could write a message, but the fact is that we need our members to write the message and they know full fell we're working with the Senate to go forward."

Continued here:
Nancy Pelosi: 'If Hillary Clinton had won, I might have gone home' - Washington Examiner

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