Photo shows Hillary Clinton reading about Pence’s email scandal – SFGate

You guys, my friend is on the same plane as Hillary Clinton. Zoom in on the title of the article she's looking at.

Hillary Clinton took a commercial flight from Logan Airpot in Boston to LaGuardia Friday afternoon and apparently used the time to skim some national news.

Fellow passenger on American Airlines flight 2146 Caitlin Quigley sat nearby.

"I was not going to snap a photo of her while she was looking up," said Quigley, "but as soon as she put her head down, I got one."

After texting the photo (see above) to "all of my friends," Quigley "zoomed in and died."

The headline Clinton appears to be reading? "Pence used personal email in office." Clinton's candid facial expression says it all.

If you need a refresher: Two weeks before the election, the FBI investigated Clinton's use of a private email server in correspondence with top aide Huma Abedin.

Documents made available in December revealed that FBI agents had no new evidence of wrongdoing, and some Clinton supporters continue to blame the investigation for her loss to Donald Trump.

On Friday's short flight, Abedin happened to be accompanying Clinton.

Oakland resident John Warren Hanawalt, one of Quigley's aforementioned friends, tweeted the photo to his 18.1k followers and viral stardom ensued. The photo was retweeted over 5,000 times as of late Friday afternoon.


Click through this gallery for an overview of the Clinton email scandal.

Click through this gallery for an overview of the Clinton email scandal.

Speculation is rampant that Hillary Clinton might run for mayor of New York. But why not governor? (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Speculation is rampant that Hillary Clinton might run for mayor of New York. But why not governor? (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

Photo shows Hillary Clinton reading about Pence's email scandal

Quigley noted that Clinton was "skimming the story" and not "reading it intensely."

She added, "She probably just did an eye roll or something."

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Photo shows Hillary Clinton reading about Pence's email scandal - SFGate

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