Regarding the results George Moyer | Letters To Editor | – Norfolk Daily News

MADISON A Stanton couple asked a burning question in the Dec. 26, 2020, Daily News. Basically it was how did Biden win? Heres how.

Former president Barack Obama regularly tells people, Democracy is hard work. Thats what Ben Franklin meant in 1781. He was leaving Independence Hall in Philadelphia when a woman asked him, Dr. Franklin, what have you given us? He replied, A republic, if you can keep it.

A candidate for president in this country has to have a ground game. Thats the hard work. Super Spreader rallies in the middle of the deadliest epidemic since 1918 look reckless and irresponsible. Furthermore, to suburban women in Detroit, Philadelphia and yes, Omaha, who have never quite forgiven Trump for the Access Hollywood tapes, they look dangerous. These women are mothers and grandmothers and woe betides anyone who looks like he is endangering children and fathers. These women are wonderful foot soldiers for a ground game. In this election cycle, the Democrats had a lot of them.

As for Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia, the letter writers do not pause to explain why Republican election officials in all of these states would help Biden unless they were just conscientiously doing their duty.

Hillary Clinton won Nevada in 2016. Not a surprise that Biden won there again. Arizona, however, was a big get. Biden had no coat tails to speak of in down ballot contests for House and Senate but in Arizona, extremely popular former astronaut Mark Kelly, Gabby Giffords husband, was running for John McCains old Senate seat, which he won with roughly 3% more votes than Biden. Kelly, without a doubt, boosted Biden.

The letter writers fail to remember that the FBI and the Justice Department have a firm rule that investigations into candidates, their relatives and close friends are never made public during presidential campaigns. James Comey broke this rule in 2016, which cost Hillary Clinton the election. Despite the fact that the attorney general and the FBI director are both Trump appointees and Republicans, they had the integrity to follow the rule, which cost the attorney general his job.

The letter does not mention that Trump filed 62 lawsuits seeking to overturn election results in various states. Or that the State of Texas and, sadly, the State of Nebraska filed suit on Trumps behalf in the U.S. Supreme Court claiming election fraud. All the cases were dismissed because Trumps attorneys could not prove fraud!

The letter also repeats the report that 79% of Republican voters think the election was stolen. They say so because Trump says so. But its another lie by a serial liar. Sixty-two judges, many of whom Trump appointed, are not wrong!

The letter claims that fat cats like George Soros, Tom Steyer and Michael Bloomberg supported the Democrats. Does anybody think the Republicans didnt have fat cats of their own?

The letter claims everybody is against the Republicans. How did the Republicans gain nine seats in the House of Representatives if everybodys against them?

But the real problem with the letter is that it promotes the unfounded belief that the election was corrupted; that the duly constituted officials of six states were powerless to prevent it; that both federal and state courts were complicit. The letter undermines our faith in our institutions.

Remember Obama: Democracy is hard work. There is another election in four years. Pick a better candidate. Organize a better ground game. Never forget, its a republic if you can keep it.

I learned in high school that in a democracy, we have to trust each other, because we are the government. I learned that facts are stubborn things that do not yield to lies. I learned that an argument without facts to support it is a hollow argument.

In fact, Ill bet the author of the letter taught his classes that. Has he forgotten?

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Regarding the results George Moyer | Letters To Editor | - Norfolk Daily News

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