Republicans Are Smearing the Bidens Like They Did Hillary Clinton – The New Republic

Right-wing allegations about Biden and Ukraine in particular usually insinuate that, while serving as vice president, the elder Biden pressured a Ukrainian prosecutor into resigning to stop an investigation into Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company on whose board Hunter sat at the time. This allegation has some factual basis: Hunter did serve on the companys board, and his father did pressure the Ukrainian government about the prosecutor in charge of corruption cases.

But it is wrong in one critical way: ThenVice President Biden pressured Ukraine to crack down harder on corruption, not go easier on it. His push came as part of a broader effort by the Obama administration and the European Union to root out corruption in the Ukrainian political and economic system. None of this was secret: Major news outlets covered Bidens trip to Ukraine in 2015 and the reason why it was happening. (By contrast, Trumps attempt to coerce Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy into smearing Hunter and his father by withholding military aid from Ukraine actually was corrupt, leading to his first impeachment in 2019.)

This reality has not deterred Trump, his allies, and other prominent Republicans from pushing the narrative that Biden was trying to protect his corrupt son. But again, their goal is not to determine whether either Biden actually did anything wrong, although they would be thrilled to find evidence to that effect. These investigations real purpose is better understood as a smear campaign against political opponents and future Democratic presidential candidates.

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Republicans Are Smearing the Bidens Like They Did Hillary Clinton - The New Republic

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