Sorry, But Hillary Clinton Didn’t Lose Because She Is A Woman – Investor’s Business Daily

"I'd win." That's how Hillary Clinton responded when asked at Wellesley College what she would do differently in her failed run for the presidency in 2016. She's deceiving herself.

The Clinton candidacy suffered from many things, but nothing more so than a self-imposed feeling of invulnerability and inevitability. Just do a random search on YouTube if you don't believe it and watch how all the soi-disant experts yammered on and on about how Hillary couldn't lose, Trump was already finished, the election was over.

And her appearances at the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia last summer, which IBD attended, seemed more like coronation events than an actual election battle.

Of course, we know how that turned out. But now, inher talk at Wellesley, Hillary suggested not only that she would win if the election were rerun, a bit of wishful revisionism, but that her actual defeat might have been because of her gender sexism.

"You know you're going to be subject to unfair and besides-the-point criticism," she said about being the first woman nominated to be president by a major party, and broadly hinting that this is what brought her down.

But, as investigative reporter Amber Athey at the Campus Reform website reported, two New York University professors tried to show just how bad the bias against Hillary was. They created an experiment to "reveal bias by re-enacting the presidential debates with the candidates' genders reversed."

It was an intriguing and creative idea. What the two impeccably progressive professors expected to find, of course, was that if Hillary were a man, she would be embraced and loved; and that Trump, as a woman candidate, would be despised. Gender bias, proved.

Boy, were they surprised.

"The two NYU professors who designed the experiment were 'unsettled' to discover that audience members actually found Trump's style more endearing when it came from a woman," Athey wrote of the NYU "Her Opponent" project. "One female audience member even remarked that she found the male version of Clinton 'very punchable' because he smiled so much."

Ouch! So much for the postelection notion of Hillary as a feminist victim of all those angry white men in the Midwest. What Democrats, and the Clinton camp, have trouble recognizing is she was simply an unpopular candidate with an unpopular message, beaten by an unpopular candidate with a more widely popular message.

Lest you think this is making too much of just one little experiment, a new poll out by Suffolk University shows that Clinton has left a bad taste in the mouth of much of America.

In July 2016, 53% of those polled held favorable views of Hillary Clinton, while just 42% rated her as "unfavorable." But in the poll's most recent sounding taken this month, Hillary Clinton's unfavorability rating had soared to 55%, while her favorability had plunged to 35%. Her favorability fell sharply among both Democrats and independents.

Yet another study, this one from the Wesleyan Media Project, found that Hillary Clinton's campaign was, in the words of Heat Street, "without a doubt one of the worst-run political operations in years."

The study itself didn't mince words, calling her campaign "devoid of policy discussions in a way not seen in the previous four presidential elections."

The truth is, as the saying goes, Hillary's support last year was a mile wide and an inch deep. Nor did she lose because she was a woman; that's a cop out, a cheap bit of undeserved victimhood that no doubt makes her feel better about losing to the big bully Trump.

No, in the end, she lost because voters across America found her profoundly unsympathetic and out of touch. Her proposed policies doubling down on ObamaCare, increasing Dodd-Frank financial regulation, higher taxes, more federal spending, attacks on coal country workers and industry through strict climate-change rules, not to mention nonstop gender, class, culture and race warfare reeked of a continuation of the failed Obama years.

Oh yes, and did we mention the lies then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made about her illegal home-brew email server and about what happened at Benghazi, where four Americans were killed? Those didn't help a bit in Middle America.

Contrary to what Hillary Clinton might believe, sexism had nothing to do with it or at least, very little. Hubris and an overweening sense of entitlement did. Voters were tired after eight years of Obamaism, and didn't want a reprise. They wanted deep changes to Washington, D.C., and its corrupt, cozy culture.

In short, they went looking for a wrecking ball that would knock the whole corrupt mess down. And they got him. His name is Trump.


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Sorry, But Hillary Clinton Didn't Lose Because She Is A Woman - Investor's Business Daily

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