The touching letter Hillary Clinton sent this lifelong Republican protesting Donald Trump – Washington Post

Joanne Barr, 54, has never wanted attention. She has only everwanted a quiet life, and for a long time, what she had in Williamsport, a mountainous town in Central Pennsylvania, was just that. She never thought there would be a time when people would know her story. But then again, she never thought Donald Trump would be president, and when that happened, everything changed.

Last month, Barr, a lifelong Republican, went to the Womens March on Washington, allowed The Washington Post to accompany herand returned to Williamsport, where she found a mailbox that was soon filling with letters from all over the country and world. So much mail, she said. And for someone who doesnt want to be in the spotlight. Its been overwhelming, but I didnt realize there were so many wonderful, nice people.

[Shes 54, white, rural and a lifelong Republican. Why is she protesting Donald Trump?]

One day late last month, she went to the mailbox again and collected more letters, one of which bore a New York address. Thinking it was just another letter like the others, she absent-mindedly opened it. Then she saw the letterhead: Hillary Rodham Clinton.

While I know that we are disappointed and heartbroken by the outcome of the election, I am heartened to know that the experience of this campaign has been empowering for you, the letter read. Never forget that you are powerful and valuable, and that one person can make a difference.

Clinton has offered words of encouragement via Twitter to her supporters and on Monday recordeda surprise video for a conference focusing on womens leadership, but otherwise has kept a fairly low profile since her November loss.

Barr took the letter into a hardware store she manages, framed the photo, and hungit in her house, someplace where I can look at it every morning to give me the inspiration I need to keep on fighting for what I feel is right, she said. Its only one of many ways in which she says the election has emboldened her. She has joined the League of Womens Voters, and, for the first time on Monday night,attended a meeting for the Lycoming County Progressives.

Hundreds of thousands of activists descended on downtown Washington for a rally and march, the day after President Donald Trump took office. The sheer number of attendees caused confusion and complicated logistics. (Sarah Parnass/The Washington Post)

She went by herself.

It was pretty scary at first, she said. But she soon felt at ease.

We just talked about different issues and trying to see what we can do, she said. Its nice to talk to people with the same ideas that I have.

Have you also gotten involved since the Womens March?Heres a chance to share your story:

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The touching letter Hillary Clinton sent this lifelong Republican protesting Donald Trump - Washington Post

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