Jefferson County 911 system gets ‘Smart’ upgrade

Several Jefferson County law enforcement agencies have rolled out Smart911, a system designed to improve their response to emergency calls.

Rave Mobile Safety's Smart911 is a database that links phone numbers with user-generated profiles containing such information as medical conditions, family contacts and photos.

Westminster, Lakewood and Arvada police and the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department started using the system Tuesday.

Officials said the system will save time and lives.

"Say you have a child who is missing: if you had a picture of them in your profile, that could be sent to our cars within seconds," Lakewood police spokesman Steve Davis said.

Likewise, if a dispatcher received a call and no one was speaking, he or she could still send out a crew if the caller's medical information was posted on the system.

The program is voluntary and the information in the profiles is stored on an encrypted Smart911 server. Profiles are displayed only to emergency personnel when they are called, Davis said.

The Jefferson County 911 Authority Board is paying for the service.

Lakewood police received nearly 105,000 calls to 911 last year. The Jefferson County sheriff received 67,000.

"This service provides far richer information than is currently available and will give the call taker a more complete understanding of the situation at hand," Jefferson County Sheriff Ted Mink said.

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Jefferson County 911 system gets 'Smart' upgrade

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