Rant & Rave: Three cheers for honest folks!

Originally published April 1, 2012 at 5:30 AM | Page modified April 1, 2012 at 7:54 AM

Rave To the young father walking, embracing and shielding his tiny baby from the weather at Green Lake. Dads in the 1950s didn't usually take care of babies and both generations were poorer for it. Lasting harmony and happiness to you both! Every day is Father's Day.

Rant To the city of Seattle, which decided that there should not be parking at the light-rail stations so that citizens, not just tourists, could use it.

Rave and Rant Rave to Robert, who got the license plate of the vehicle with the person who smashed my car window and stole my purse, remained on the scene to file a police report with me and even volunteered to sweep up the broken glass in the parking lot! A big rant to the thieves.

Rant To bicyclists who ride two (or more) abreast. I understand their desire to socialize but, please, people safety first. If you want others to share the roads or trails for your benefit, then lead by example.

Rave For the Girl Scouts and all those who bought cookies for Operation Cookie Drop. You'll never know how much it will brighten the service members' day.

Rant To drivers who continuously ignore the 20 mph speed limit in school zones. Do you not see the flashing lights and crossing guards indicating that children are present? One day a child will be hit because you were on your phone or rushing somewhere and not paying attention.

Rave To the fellow who sold our son a used car that had serious mechanical issues. When we informed the seller that the car had a blown head gasket and cracked heads, he refunded most of the sale cost to pay for the engine rebuild, even sending $200 more than he agreed to. It's so appreciated and restored our faith in humanity.

Rant To annoying, impersonal "robo-calls," no matter what they're for.

Rave To the lovely couple who drove across town to return a wallet before we even realized it was missing. Thanks so much!

The rest is here:
Rant & Rave: Three cheers for honest folks!

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