‘The Inbetweeners’ USA Remake – First Trailer – Video

17-07-2012 13:18 ( Go Here To View The Best Inbetweeners UK Trailer, To Show Your Support For The Original UK Version = ) MTV has released the first trailer for the US remake of The Inbetweeners. Featuring several familiar scenes and set-ups from the classic E4 comedy series, Bubba Lewis (Simon), Joey Pollari (Will), Mark L Young (Neil) and Zack Pearlman (Jay) star as the four teenagers struggling to be cool and get girls at school. The Inbetweeners will debut on MTV in the US on August 20, while the British big-screen version will receive a Stateside release on September 7. Speaking about how the US version would differ from the British counterpart, Pearlman told The Hollywood Reporter: "The high school experience is pretty universal. Awkwardness with girls is definitely going to translate." Lewis added: "We've made it for an American audience. We've taken things from the British show and made them our own. It's a uniquely MTV show." If you like this video please subscribe to my channel to see more videos like this. Also when you click 'Like' please share on Twitter and Facebook. Thanks

See original here:
'The Inbetweeners' USA Remake - First Trailer - Video

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