TOWIEs Dan Osborne and James Locke show off muscles on Ibiza yacht while Arg lets it all hang out

TOWIEs Dan Osborne and James Locke proudly displayed their hot bods while messing around on a yacht off the coast of Ibiza this week, as they hung out with James 'Arg' Argent.

There was plenty of testosterone on board as Dan, who is expecting a baby with EastEnders actress Jacqueline Jossa, had his ripped bod on display as he wrestled with James Locke before making a big splash in the sea.

Dan and James were joined by Arg, who certainly looked like the odd one out as he let his paunch hang over his blue striped swimshorts.

Dan, who recently tweeted about his fun Ibiza bromance with James, was later spotted riding a jet ski with his co-star with both of them playing fair, and giving each other a go at being the driver. Boys and their toys eh?

It looks as though Arg was spending a bit of time away from his on-off girlfriend Lydia Bright, who has joined the TOWIE stars on the Balearic Island.

The beauty recently told MailOnline: We havent ended things. There are still feelings there. And obviously everyone knows there are still feelings there on Jamess part.


Also Args minder wasnt there either, yesterday the Mirror reported that the reality star had been given a minder while he films the new episodes of the show in Ibiza.

An insider told 3am: The shows producers are worried about his welfare. He has behaved very erratically in the past few months.

He was late for lots of filming during the last series and they dont want any repeat this time around, especially as its Ibiza.

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TOWIEs Dan Osborne and James Locke show off muscles on Ibiza yacht while Arg lets it all hang out

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