Americans Aren’t the Only Ones Wanting Illegal Immigration Crackdown – Townhall

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is known for being pro-immigration and pro-refugee, but it appears that a large number of Canadian citizens fail to share the same opinions.

Almost half of the Canadian citizenry (48 percent)are now calling for the deportation of illegal immigrants in Canada, according to aReuters/Ipsos poll released Monday.A similar number (46 percent) disapprove of how Trudeau,are following suit.,is dealing with the numbers of immigrants.

This all comes amidst an influx of African and Middle Eastern asylum seekers in Canada from the U.S.The Royal Canadian Mounted Police issued astatement on February 16noting that, "the number of migrants crossing the Canada-US border illegally has increased significantly in Quebec, Manitoba and British Columbia." However, no exact numbers were produced.

Canadian citizens are now starting to adopt the American viewpoint on illegal immigration, which largely aided in Trump's election.

These numbersmirror those of the United States, where 50% of Americans support the deportation of illegal immigrants-- divulged by a similar poll by Reuters, which ran at the same time as the Canadian poll.

Further, in a December 2016 poll, only 19 percent saw immigration becoming a national issues, whereas now, that number has moved up to a quarter of Canadians.

The details on the poll are as follows, according to Reuters.

"The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online in English and French throughout Canada. It included responses from 1,001 people 18 years or older. Individual responses were weighted according to the latest population estimates, so that the results reflect the entire population."

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Americans Aren't the Only Ones Wanting Illegal Immigration Crackdown - Townhall

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