Biden Doubles Down on "No-Deterrence" Policy While Illegal Immigration Soars and a New Route Opens in the Atlantic – AMAC

WASHINGTON, DC, July 18 During the American Revolution, patriots had a rallying cry, one if by land, two if by sea. It was Paul Reveres lantern-based signal to alert revolutionary forces as to which route the British forces were taking.Its been updated as we deal with the 21st-centuryst century invasion of illegal immigrants, as a new front opens up for the migrant invaders on our Atlantic shores.

Indeed, as the Washington Examiner put it: A thousand miles from the U.S.-Mexico border, federal law enforcement, and military that patrol the waters surroundingFloridaandPuerto Ricoare seeing the emergence of a newborder crisis.

Senator Marco Rubio [R-FL] puts the blame on the Biden administration.He said, They dont care about enforcing the law becausetheyre activists [who] support open bordersthey think the border should be open and anyone who wants to come across should.Theres no country in the world that would tolerate that.Mexico wouldnt tolerate it. Guatemalawouldnt tolerate it. Canada wouldnt tolerate it. And we shouldnt either.

The Examiner report says that over the past eight months, more than 10,000 wannabe migrants have been detained by the Coasts Guard in the waters off the coasts of Florida, Cuba, and Haiti.The Department of Homeland Security admits that more migrants are being stopped at sea than ever before.

Meanwhile, illegal traffic at our Southwest border crossings has continued to increase to historic levels since President Biden took office a year and a half ago. In a new report by Andrew Arthur at the Center for Immigration Studies [CIS], he says you can chalk it up to Mr. Bidens no-deterrence policies.

As he put it, Biden Doesnt Want to Deter Illegal Migrants He Wants to Ensure They Can Seek Asylum. These are not the best of times at the Southwest border.In fact, CBP [Customs and Border Patrol Agency] statistics reveal it is instead the worst of times.Border Patrol agents there apprehended more illegal migrants inFY 2021than in any fiscal year in history. InMay, theyapprehended more illegal migrants at the Southwest border than in any single month in history (monthly records by region go back toOctober 1999).

Why? Because the president does not want to deter the illegals. Instead, says Arthur, theofficial policyof Bidens DHS is to ensure that every alien who can make it to U.S. soil legally, illegally, fraudulently, or otherwise has a safe, orderly, and legal pathway to apply for asylum, regardless of whether they are simply coming to make more money and even if they passed through numerous asylum-granting countries on the way.

The fact of the matter is that since he took office President Biden has issued 16 executive orders blatantly aimed at making it easier for illegals to come to the U.S.He issued eight immigration related executive orders on the very day he was sworn in as president, January 20, 2021, including the Preserving and Fortifying Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). Itinstructs the secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the attorney general to take all actions he deems appropriate, consistent with applicable law, to preserve and fortify DACA, according to the CIS.

Another of Mr. Bidens executive orders he issued that day was labeled, Revision of Civil Immigration Enforcement Policies and Priorities. It cancelled an executive order that President Trump issued, which cancelled the Obama administrations immigration enforcement order that exempted nearly all aliens.Mr. Trumps order also targeted sanctuary cities and made them ineligible for federal grants, except those deemed necessary for law enforcement. The CIS analysis describes President Bidens replacement order as emphasizing family reunification, addressing illegal immigration across the southern border, reforming the asylum system, and promoting integration for new Americans [we can assume he means both legal and illegal immigrants].

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Biden Doubles Down on "No-Deterrence" Policy While Illegal Immigration Soars and a New Route Opens in the Atlantic - AMAC

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