‘Finally’: Trump’s illegal immigration crackdown wins praise from some activists – Los Angeles Times

President Trumps crackdown on illegal immigration has sparked concern from many California politicians. But it is winning praise from activists who for years have been trying to reduce illegal immigration.

Robin Hvidston, executive director of We The People Rising, an anti-illegal immigration organization based in Claremont, said Trumps actions bringnew hope to activists like her.

The organization has turned out to meetings in Rialto andHuntington Park and of the Los AngelesCounty Board of Supervisors to oppose sanctuary measures.

Ending sanctuary cities is a way to restore the rule of law to the cities of California and throughout the United States, she said.We are happy and encouraged that, after decades of federal lawbreaking, a president is finally taking action to enforce federal immigration laws.

Roy H. Beck, who heads NumbersUSA, a powerful national advocacy group opposing illegal immigration, praised Trumps move.

"The new policies announced on sanctuary cities finally put federal executive action on the side of the victims and potential victims of crime instead of protecting the interests of the businesses and organizations who profit from keeping as many illegal migrants in the country as possible."

Two decades ago, California was a hotbed for the anti-illegal immigration movement. In 1994, California voters approved Proposition 187, which was meant to cut many public services for people here illegally. (The law was later ruled unconstitutional.)

But more recent political and demographic shifts have made California decidedly more welcoming to those here without proper papers.

Morethan 400 jurisdictions acrossthe country have some sort of sanctuary policy aimed at welcoming those here illegally, including Los Angeles, San Francisco and about 40 others in California.

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Details about Trumps crackdown remain unclear. On Wednesday, the presidentsigned two executive orders designed tobegin building a wall along the border with Mexico, add lockups for detaining immigrants who cross the border illegally, enhance enforcement powers for border agents andstrip federal funding to cities that refuse to cooperate with immigration enforcement.

According to a draft document reviewed by The Times, under the new order,the federal government would threaten to withhold fundsfrom so-called sanctuary citiesthat limit cooperation with immigration officials.

Many political leaders both in big citiesand in Sacramentohave vowed to fight Trump.

Los Angeles MayorEric Garcettitold reporters Wednesday thathe doesnt believe the federal government can stop funding for L.A. and citedthe 10th Amendment, which addresses the powers of state and federal governments.

We feel very strong the legal case is clear, Garcetti said.

The particulars of Trumps orders are still being dissected by Los Angeles leaders. ButCity CouncilPresident Herb Wesson told reporters that the city is going to continue to operate the way it operates.

Los Angeles will receive about $500 million this fiscal year from the federal government to pay for an array of services, includingport security, anti-gang programs and senior citizen services.

San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee said he doesnt foresee any changesin his citys sanctuary policies. Officials in San Jose said much the same thing.


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Original post:

'Finally': Trump's illegal immigration crackdown wins praise from some activists - Los Angeles Times

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