Illegal Immigrant Robs More Homes After Getting Released On New Bail Law – The Daily Caller

An illegal immigrant in New Jersey managed to get arrested for burglary twice last week after forgetting his correction center intake papers in the second burgled home, leading to his arrest during an in-progress third burglary.

Douglas Baudriz-Diaz was first arrested May 22 after a witness saw him break into a South Plainfield, N.J. home at 1:30 a.m. He arrived at Middlesex County Adult Corrections Center (MCACC) at 8:30 a.m., according to a press release posted on the South Plainfield Police Department Facebook page. Baudriz-Diaz was released without bail later that day due to a January Bail Reform Act passed in New Jersey.

With the old bail guidelines, he would have been held in the MCACC with a bail between $10,000-$50,000 due to the degree of his charges, the police report said.

Police called the illegal immigrants release unfortunate.

Intended to lessen the strain on New Jerseys prisons, the January bail law created a risk assessment tool to determine if a defendant is likely to either not appear for trial or commit another crime. Offenders deemed not likely are released. The assessment takes into account the offenders age, past convictions and whether the offense was violent, among other factors. It doesnt consider race or ethnicity, the Philadelphia Inquirer reports.

The assessment apparently also ignores immigration status, as Baudriz-Diaz was being held on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement warrant due to being in the country illegally.

Police said he is suspected of four other burglaries in the South Plainfield area.

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Illegal Immigrant Robs More Homes After Getting Released On New Bail Law - The Daily Caller

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