Illegal Immigrant Smuggler Sentenced Following High-Speed Chase – Breitbart News

Webb County SO

by John Binder19 May 2017San Antonio, TX0


Jovanni Rodarte, 20, pleaded guilty to conspiring to smuggle illegal immigrants across the southern border through Laredo, Texas, according to My San Antonio.

In one specific case, Rodarte smuggled three illegal immigrants across the southern border after picking them up from Mexico in a car. When Webb County Sheriffs deputies tried to pull Rodartes car over, he took them on a high-speed chase.

While driving at 100 mph on a connecting road between Rio Bravo and El Cenizo near Laredo, Rodarte ultimately hit a minivan, where three of the passengers in that were hurt, while one of the illegal immigrants with the human smuggler was ejected from the car and suffered injuries from the accident.

Criminals who illegally smuggle people into and throughout the country place personal profit ahead of public safety, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent Shane Folden told My San Antonio in a statement.

Rodarte is set to be in prison for eight years, with a district judge also making the human smuggler pay close to $193,000 in restitution.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart Texas. Follow him on Twitter at@JxhnBinder.

Breitbart Texas, Immigration, border, Border Wall, Breitbart Texas, Crime, high speed chase, human smuggler, Illegal Immigrant, illegal immigration, immigration, Laredo, Mexico, San Antonio, smuggler, Southern Border, Texas

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Illegal Immigrant Smuggler Sentenced Following High-Speed Chase - Breitbart News

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