Illegal Immigration | Federation for American Immigration …

The Elephant in the Classroom: Mass Immigration's Impact on Public Education Public school districts across the United States are suffering under a massive unfunded mandate imposed by the federal government: the requirement to educate millions of illegal aliens, the school age children of illegal aliens, refugees and legal immigrant students. The struggle to fund programs for students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), sometimes called English Language Learners (ELL), represents a major drain on school budgets. Yet due to political correctness, it is taboo to raise the issue even though scarce resources are redirected away from American citizens to support programs like English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and English as a Second Language (ESL).

The Role of State and Local Governments in Immigration Enforcement As the American dream becomes increasingly elusive for U.S. citizens, state and local lawmakers have a decision to make. They can stand back and watch as America's immigration system is systematically undermined by non-enforcement policies and special interests, or they can stand up and look for solutions to help maintain the rule of law and institute policies that guarantee fairness and opportunity for all Americans.

11 Things American Taxpayers Should Know About Trumps Executive Orders on Immigration|2017 President Donald Trump has issued several Executive Orders and Memos this week regarding immigration - below is our 11 point summary.

E-Verify Legislation in the States|2016 Perhaps the most pressing consequence of uncontrolled immigration is the immediate toll it places upon the American worker. Illegal immigration dramatically increases competition in the labor market, particularly for low-skilled jobs, and depresses wages by perpetuating a class of workers willing to work for substandard wages.

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections|2016 The United States sends election monitors around the world to help discourage fraudulent balloting. But, here at home, it has largely turned a blind eye to the possibility that fraudulent voting by noncitizens could influence the outcome of an election.

Phase Down Mass Immigration|2016 Mass immigration jams schools, hospitals and highways and it undervalues American workers who lose out to cheap foreign labor.

Examples of Serious Crimes By Illegal Aliens|2016 Illegal immigration is not a victimless crime. All across the country, Americans are having their lives forever changed by criminal aliens.

Immigration Basics: Human Trafficking|2016 Human trafficking is a crime that hides in plain sight. Thousands of people become victims each year, but only a few see their perpetrators convicted.

Examples of Serious Crimes by Illegal Aliens|2016 News accounts of crimes that may have been prevented if the alien had been deported or stopped from entering the country illegally.

The Truth About the Priority Enforcement Program (PEP)|2016 In the summer of 2015, the Obama administration began implementing its Priority Enforcement Program (PEP). Replacing the well-known Secure Communities program, PEP should have been called the Pretend Enforcement Program because thats what it doespretends to enforce the law.

Criminal Aliens|2016 Criminal aliens are a growing threat to public safety and national security, as well as a drain on our scarce criminal justice resources.

FAIR Answers FWD.uss Questions to Donald Trump|2016 Now that Donald Trump is the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, the tech industry-backed amnesty and open borders lobby group,, has made public six questions theyd like him to respond to.

The Role of State & Local Law Enforcement in Immigration Matters and Reasons to Resist Sanctuary Policies|2016 With over 11 million illegal aliens currently residing in the United States, and hundreds of thousands more unlawfully crossing the border and overstaying visas each year, states all around the country are subject to the problems caused by unchecked illegal immigration. Communication and cooperation by state and local law enforcement with federal officials is essential to combating the negative effects of illegal immigration.

United States v. Texas: A Primer on the Supreme Court Immigration Case|2016 On April 18, the Supreme Court will hear arguments in the case United States v. Texas, which questions the constitutionality of President Barack Obamas unilateral grant of de facto amnesty to almost 5 million illegal aliens.

Employer Sanctions|2016 The ability to find work is the number one magnet for illegal immigration to the United States. Although the Immigration and Reform Act of 1986 outlawed hiring illegal alien workers, it is still a widespread practice by employers across the country.

Temporary Protected Status|2016 Illegal aliens get work permits under Temporary Protected Status

How to Report Illegal Immigrants|2016 Local ICE office phone numbers

Illegal Alien Removals in 2015|2016 The Department of Homeland Security released its immigration enforcement data for FY 2015 along with self-congratulatory analysis from Secretary Jeh Johnson claiming enormous success in ensuring the security of our borders and the integrity of our immigration laws.

Remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean|2015 The amount of money transferred by foreign workers back to their home countries, known as remittances, has continued to grow annually throughout the Obama administration.

Amnesty: Breaking the Social Security Bank|2015 Those who advocate comprehensive immigration reform (i.e., amnesty for illegal aliens and massive increases in the annual admissions of legal immigrants and guest workers) avoid discussing the potential costs of granting amnesty to approximately 12 million illegal aliens.

Sanctuary Policy is Bad Public Policy|2015 In cities across the country, local jurisdictions have gone so far as to shield illegal aliens by adopting policies that restrict state and local police from cooperating with federal authorities. In all but the most serious cases, they are being directed to ignore U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainers. Cities with such anti-detainer policies are considered "Sanctuary Cities."

White House Report Confirms President Obama's Executive Actions Will Harm American Workers, Taxpayers|2015 The fact that the President's executive actions on immigration are unconstitutional and illegal must not be overlooked when discussing their economic effects. An economy that rewards those who are most willing to break the law is not a sound one.

Questions Everyone Should Ask about Executive Amnesty|2014 For months leading up to President Obamas November 20th executive amnesty announcement, political leaders (from both parties including the president himself up until about March), legal experts, and many in the media have been questioning the constitutionality of such a plan without legislative approval from Congress.

Defining Amnesty for the Factually Impaired|2014 Reasonable people may disagree about what is the best immigration policy, including what to do about the roughly twelve million illegal aliens now in the country, but what is indisputably, unambiguously clear is that to allow millions of illegal aliens to remain in the United States in violation of current law is the very definition of amnesty.

"Illegal Alien": The Proper Terminology|2014 Under federal law, any non-U.S. citizen is an alien. Aliens who have entered the United States without permission, or who have violated the terms of their admission, are identified under the law as illegal aliens. That is a fact, not an issue for debate. (2014)

Misrepresenting Wage Gains for 1986 Amnesty Recipients: The Center for American Progress Distorts Data to Fit Their Amnesty Agenda|2013 The presentation of the Department of Labor (DOL) survey is based on a misreading of the data because Hinojosa and others are making the argument that amnesty will raise the "wage floor" for the average illegal alien. What the DOL survey actually revealed was that the earnings of those 1986 amnesty recipients who were younger, better educated, spoke English well, were earning better than average wages before amnesty -- indicating higher levels of job skills -- and were not from Mexico, continued to outpace the earnings of those who did not fit this profile.

Analysis of Claims of an Economic Benefit from Amnesty|2013 FAIR responses to the Center for American Progress (CAP) claims on economic benefit from Amnesty.

Flawed Claims of Improved Earnings of Amnestied Aliens|2013 Organizations such as the Center for American Progress (CAP) have mounted a campaign to convince lawmakers that amnesty for the nearly 12 million illegal alien residents is justified on economic grounds. FAIR's analysis of one of the principal research studies relied on by CAP finds that the research misunderstands or misrepresents the results of survey data obtained from beneficiaries of the 1986 amnesty. Rather than the reported finding of economic progress by the amnesty recipients, the survey data reveal economic progress for only a minority of the amnesty beneficiaries and economic slippage for the majority of beneficiaries.

Illegal Aliens Who Pay Taxes May Claim Tax Credits|2013 Organizations such as the Center for American Progress (CAP) and the Immigration Policy Center (IPC) have mounted a campaign to convince lawmakers that amnesty for the nearly 12 million illegal alien residents is justified on economic grounds. FAIR's analysis of the IPC's claim that illegal aliens are an important source of tax revenue exposes the underlying false assumptions used to assert that illegal alien workers already pay a fair share of taxes and would pay even more if they gained legal status.

Would the Dreamer Amnesty Benefit the Economy?|2013 The DREAM Act is Not Justified as an Economic Boon. The DREAM Act is a limited amnesty provision designed to further the eventual adoption of a general amnesty. The argument that the measure would benefit the economy is a distraction from the massive fiscal costs of the full-scale amnesty for which it would be a precursor. Further, the research that suggests the DREAM Act would result in a large economic benefit is based on unrealistic assumptions and flawed analysis. Only in passing do the researchers who assert the economic benefit of adoption of the DREAM Act note that their analysis fails to consider any offsetting fiscal costs.

Illegal Aliens Taking U.S. Jobs|2013 FAIR estimates that roughly 8.5 million illegal immigrants have taken jobs away from Americans. Read the 2013 brief to see what states and sectors are affected the most.

Local Immigration Enforcement|2013 State and local efforts can make a difference

Visa Overstayers|2013 The illegal aliens who do not leave when their entry permit expires are referred to as overstayers.

Illegal Immigration is a Crime|2013 Legal proscriptions against aiding and abetting etc.

Congressional Seats and Federal Outlays|2013 Giving weight to illegal aliens

Demographics of the Illegal Alien Population|2013 Based on two studies mandated by Congress, the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act provided two studies in 1992 and 1996 of the demographics of illegal immigration.

How Many Illegal Immigrants?|2011 FAIR estimates that in 2010 the illegal alien population is about 12 million persons. Government and academic estimates estimate that population at about 11 million.

Section 245(i): "Adjustment of Status"|2011 An amnesty provision tested and discredited

The Truth About Employment-Based Immigration|2011 Although big business likes to claim that our present high level of immigration is necessary for its survival and the robustness of our economy, the fact is that only a small fraction of today's million plus new green cards issued annually go to highly-skilled workers.

How did Illegal Aliens Arrive: Without Inspection or With Visas?|2011 Illegal aliens are divided into two categories; those who crossed the border illegally and those who entered with visas as nonimmigrants and stayed illegally.

Immigration and Big Labor|2010 Over eleven million Americans are out of work and millions more are in danger of losing their jobs. One would think that, at this time, American labor unions would be stepping up to protect American workers, but just the opposite is occurring. Right now the largest labor unions in the U.S. are lobbying Congress to grant amnesty to millions of illegal workers, to stop enforcing laws against employers who hire illegal workers, and to keep up the flow of millions more foreign workers.

Department of Homeland Security's Non-Enforcement Policy|2010 A series of policy changes announced by the Department of Homeland Security in 2010 demonstrate that the Obama administration is implementing a stealth amnesty - halting deportation of illegal aliens - for persons it hopes to benefit in the future with a permanent amnesty. This policy triggered a "vote of no confidence" by the professional employees of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

Birthright Citizenship|2010 The term "birthright citizenship" refers to the current practice of considering children born in the United States to automatically acquire U.S. citizenship. This issue is also commonly termed the "anchor baby" issue.

State and Local Cooperation on Immigration Enforcement: ICE Access|2010 There are several programs that currently facilitate cooperation between the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and state and local law enforcement agencies. Most of these programs managed by DHS's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) branch are grouped under the rubric of ICE Access. The ICE Access programs most often in the news are Secure Communities and 287(g).

The Push For Amnesty For Illegal Aliens|2010 Review some of the common talking points from pro-amnesty advocates and their argument doesn't work.

Interior Immigration Enforcement Musical Chairs|2009 The Obama Administration has launched a new worksite enforcement policy that ostensibly is aimed at employers and avoids the arrests of illegal workers that was an integral aspect of previous enforcement efforts. This new policy likely will have the effect of undermining any effective prosecution of employers for deliberately hiring illegal alien workers and leave the illegal workers free to seek a new job.

Paving the Road to Amnesty|2009 As President Obama closes the books on his first year in office, his record, as opposed to his rhetoric, now defines his political agenda. During 2009, President Obama's record on immigration policy points to certain inescapable conclusions. The overriding objectives of this administration are to enact a massive amnesty for current illegal aliens and vastly expand future flows of immigration to the United States.

Illegal Alien or "Undocumented Immigrant?"|2009 America uses the term "illegal alien" to describe someone in our country in violation of our immigration laws not to demean someone, but rather because it is the correct, and legally recognized, term.

Employment Document Verification|2009 Learn about the background and effectiveness of E-Verify, the federal employment document verification program.

Illegal Immigration and Public Health|2009 Costs and imported infectious diseases.

The Costs to Local Taxpayers for Illegal Aliens|2008 Summary fiscal cost estimates by state amount to $36.6 billion dollars annually for providing public K-12 education, incarceration and emergency medical care for illegal aliens and their U.S.-born children.

Attrition of Illegal Immigrants through Enforcement|2008 Learn how illegal immigration can be reduced by enforcing current laws, securing our national borders and closing the loopholes on employing illegal immigrants.

Human TraffickingExploitation of Illegal Aliens|2016 The large and persistent influx of illegal aliens contributes to an environment of vulnerability and abuse.

Foreign Consulate Operations in the United States|2008 There are limits to what foreign government officials may do abroad despite their immunity from the applications of our laws in most cases.

Why Amnesty Isn't the Solution|2007 Amnesty didn't work in 1986. See what the 27-year-old failed policy costs U.S. taxpayers and why it wouldn't work in 2013.

Unlicensed to Kill|2006 Illegal aliens are a hit-and-run threat

U.S. Cuba Policy Rewards Illegal Immigration|2006 Only Cubans get automatic parole

Organizations Supporting Amnesty for Illegal Aliens|2005 2005-2006

Mexico's Defense of Illegal Immigrants|2005 Intervening in U.S. domestic affairs

What's Wrong With Illegal Immigration?|2005 Economic, fiscal, and social impacts.

Huddle 1996 study of costs of illiegal iimmigration|2004 Illegal alien workers may increase profits for employers, but they are costly to the American taxpayer.

Mexican Matricula Consular ID Cards|2003 Intervening in U.S. domestic affairs.

Social Security Funds for Illegal Aliens?|2003 Proposed agreement with Mexico

Taxpayers Subsidizing College for Illegal Aliens|2003 Some states burden taxpayers.

Day Laborer Hiring Sites|2002 Providing jobs for illegal aliens

The Law Against Hiring or Harboring Illegal Aliens|1999 Legal overview.

Illegal Immigration | Federation for American Immigration ...

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