Letter: Nation must deal with illegal immigration | Letters To Editor … – Fredericksburg.com

I want to address the question concerning immigrants living in this country on a legal basis or on an illegal basis.

My maternal grandparents came to this country from Ukraine around 1910, through Ellis Island, the legal gateway to America, to start their new lives. They came in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty through the appropriate legal immigration channelsnot over a fence, not smuggled in a small boat, not swimming across a river, not paying thousands of dollars to be hidden under blankets or in trunks of cars.

The point is simple. Some 10 million to 12 million people are living here illegally, and most have been for years. They are hiding under the radar, are paid under the table, take the jobs of legal immigrants with green cards and work-permits and so much more.

Employers throughout the country have encouraged illegal status to take advantage of these people.

Sure, those here illegally are scared; sure, they are worried about deportation. They have only themselves to blame. If they had taken the appropriate steps, most of them would probably be permanent residents or citizens.

Employers should be heavily fined if caught employing illegal people.

Maybe another amnesty, like President Reagan initiated, is one answer.

Immigration problems have been discussed for decades. Action is happening. Legal immigrants have worked too hard to have jobs, housing, benefits and so much more taken away as others disregard our laws, which are on the books to protect all legal American citizens. We should expect no less from Washington. Follow the laws and live free of fear here.

Originally posted here:
Letter: Nation must deal with illegal immigration | Letters To Editor ... - Fredericksburg.com

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