Newsom needs to go all the way & declare undocumented legal citizens of California – Manteca Bulletin

Slowlybut surely Gavin Newsom will deliver on his promise to make the taxpayers ofthis state pick up 100 percent of the cost of healthcare for those that are notlegally in this country.

Thegovernor has rolled out a $329 billion budget for the fiscal year starting July1 that sets aside $80 million to pay for the healthcare of those 65 and olderthat are in this country illegally who happen to be in California.

Itsa mere pittance especially when were talking about $80 million against anoverall spending plan of $329 billion.

Butyoure forgetting two things. The ultimate goal is free healthcare on your dimefor all illegal immigrants. Advocates peg that cost at $3.4 billion a year.Keep in mind whenever the state twirls a bauble in front of the public to gettheir support they always underestimate the cost substantially. The bestexample is high speed rail. It was only going to cost $40 billion. Now thestate is saying itll cost $77 billion and those with experience building suchrail systems elsewhere say it will easily surpass $100 billion.

Alsodont forget the state in the current budget is now providing healthcare forthose in this country illegally between the ages of 19 and 25 to the tune of$94 million a year. At the same time they are slapping penalties on those whoare citizens of this country or are here legally and are earning a paycheck ifthey are not covered by health insurance.

Doyou see a trend? The day will come in California where you may be better offnot being a citizen or having legal status to be here as well as not having ajob.

Thatnight sound like a tad over dramatic but a case can be made that we are headingin the direction where a legal citizen or someone in this country legally willbecome a second class citizen compared to those that have broken the law to behere.

Ifyou are here illegally you can already be issued a drivers license. Thanks toillegals who didnt have drivers licenses nor insurance when they were pulledover and had their cars impounded like those with drivers licenses but who hadno insurance no cars are impounded any more solely because of a failure to dothe responsible thing and legal requirement and obtain insurance.

Therehave even been bids to allow illegal residents to vote in local elections suchas schools board races.

Keepin mind two things before you rush to man the predicable barricades thatNewsoms proposal will invoke the one that says enough is enough and theother that argues they are human and deserve healthcare.

First,it is insane for this country to deny citizenship to the Dreamers as adults those brought here illegally as young children if for no other reasontaxpayers have spent a ton of money educating them. Why would you invest$130,000 in the education of a person at just the K-12 level forget community college for amoment and then deport them to whatever country so they can help strength theeconomy of a nation that competes with the United States in global markets? Atthe very least they need to be allowed to become productive citizens to providethis country with the doctors, teachers, tech workers, highly skilledagricultural workers (if you dont think there is such a thing you really needto open your eyes), nurses, and even those that handle more mundane butessential jobs so they can keep our economy going and deliver on the investmentmade in their education.

Second,a vast majority of those who are undocumented and are adults that are here inthis country work. They contribute to our economy in ways that many that arecitizens would refuse to do. That includes agricultural jobs that arent highskilled and are essentially back breaking grunt work that is key to keepingfood costs low.

Theparalysis in the immigration debate for the past 30 years that can be laid atthe feet of Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservatives, as well asunions and big business has made the entire issue of how we approach resolvingor addressing illegal and legal immigration so dysfunctional nothing ever isadopted.

Itis why the best defense and best way to go forward is pushing for a ballotmeasure that makes all those illegally in this country and residing in theGolden State legal citizens of the California with the proviso anyone who was afelon and or terrorist at the time they entered the United States would besubject to prosecution and deportation.

Californiaalready is usurping federal powers in the arenas of sanctuary cities andcommerce so why not the conferring of citizenship as well?

Thiswould work to the advantage of Californians.

Thatway anyone between the ages of 19 and 25 that is working and doesnt haveinsurance can be penalized.

Thosewho are now undocumented and working can turn in employers that are paying themunder the table without fear of being fired and not having legal recourse. Thatmeans they will be paying into Social Security to further strengthen thesystem.

Moreimportantly they can be subject to the same laws and taxes as those who arecitizens and here legally. There would be no government carve out to makeexceptions to laws simply because they are in the country illegally.

Theycould go after better paying jobs those that typically pay union scale. Theycould compete openly for limited slots at publically-funded universities.

Nowyoure probably wondering what is preventing those in this country illegallyresiding in the 49 other states from simply moving to California.

Thatsthe beauty. Nothing would.

Californiawould become a de facto sanctuary state. The legislature that acts as if itexists to lecture the federal government could tell the world send Californiayour refugees, your poor, and the downtrodden.

Afterall, the streets of California although crumbling are paved with gold.There is ample housing to go around. In short this is utopia where money growslike weeds and everyone is welcome no questions asked and no need to bringanything to the table.

Justcome here without permission and California will stick a vacuum hose into thepockets of taxpayers and siphon out everything you need.

Itsa small price for California to pay so our political leaders can put on theirresumes that they are fighting President Trump with every penny they cansqueeze out of businesses and those Californians who are working.

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Newsom needs to go all the way & declare undocumented legal citizens of California - Manteca Bulletin

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