Poll: Majority of Arizona voters want border wall built in the state – Heartlander News

(The Center Square) A majority of Arizonans support building a wall at the Mexican border in the state and say that the surge in illegal immigration constitutes an invasion, according to new polling.

Pollsters Scott Rasmussen andRMG Researchalso show that a large majority of Arizonans think that illegal immigration is bad for the U.S., but legal immigration is good.

The poll of likely voters in the Grand Canyon State asked: Do you favor or oppose building a wall on the border between Arizona and Mexico?

Forty-five percent of those surveyed said they strongly support building a wall, and an additional 17% said they somewhat support it, for a combined 62% support. Twenty-four percent said they strongly oppose building a wall, and an additional 9% said they somewhat oppose it, for a combined 33% opposition.

On the question, Do you consider the surge of illegal immigrants across the southern border to be an invasion of the United States?, 56% of those surveyed said yes, 38% said no, and 6% werent sure.

Fifty-six percent also said Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey should declare an invasion at the southern border, giving him more authority to detain and deport illegal immigrants, while 35% said he should not and 9% werent sure.

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovichs office has said that the surge in illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border since President Joe Biden took office constitutes an invasion, as The Center Square previouslyreported. In Texas, 11 counties havedeclaredan invasion. More are expected to do so.

The pollsters contacted 750 likely Arizona voters between Aug. 16 and Aug. 22 and weighted results to match the states population of likely voters. The polls margin of error is 3.6%.

When asked to describe their views on immigration overall, a large majority of those surveyed in the Rasmussen poll said they support legal immigration but oppose illegal immigration.

Seventeen percent of Arizona voters believe all immigration legal and illegal is bad for America. The same number 17% believe both legal and illegal immigration is good, while 61% think illegal immigration is bad for America but legal immigration is good.

Voters make an important distinction between legal and illegal immigration, Rasmussen said. In Arizona, 78% say that illegal immigration is bad for America, and 78% say that legal immigration is good for America. These numbers are very similar to those we see in nationwide polls.

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Poll: Majority of Arizona voters want border wall built in the state - Heartlander News

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