Report: President Biden is responsible for the crisis at the southern border – Jim Risch

A record number 235,478 illegal immigrants crossed the southern border in April of this year. The month of May broke that record with 239,416 encounters. June will likely set another record.

Since President Biden assumed office, illegal immigration has reached staggering highs. In FY 2021, law enforcement encountered 1.7 million migrants. In the first 8 months of FY 2022, over 1.5 million migrants were apprehended.

This record flow of illegal immigrants comes as no surprise. Within weeks of taking office, the Biden administration replaced every effective immigration measure with failed Obama-era policies.

President Biden is responsible for the crisis at the southern border.

As the top Republican of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, I released the report: Bidens Border Crisis: Examining Policies that Encourage Illegal Migration. In it, I outline how the Biden administration has fueled the immigration crisis and the steps it needs to take to secure the border.

Our border security is broken. We cannot continue the status quo.

To read the one-page summary, click here.

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Report: President Biden is responsible for the crisis at the southern border - Jim Risch

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