SF Archbishop: Church Will Help Illegal Aliens ‘Know Their Rights’ – Breitbart News


Cordileone described his feelings about Trumps executive actions on immigration as nervous, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Trump recently signed two executive actions on immigration, which include direction to build the promised wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, hire 10,000 additional U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers, and deny federal grant funds to sanctuary cities i.e. those that, to varying degrees, protect illegal aliens from enforcement of federal immigration law.


The Archbishop stated that the church would protect those who could be deported for being present in the U.S. illegally and would make sure these foreign nationals know their rights.

Catholic Charities is among several organizations that receive federal funds to resettle refugees in the U.S. Breitbart previously reported on the $1 billion in federal funds spent on refugee resettlement in 2015 alone.

San Francisco is one of many sanctuary cities around the country that stand to lose their federal funding if they refuse to comply with federal immigration laws.

Cardileone acknowledged that Trumps actions were expected, but said, We dont know whats going to happen. The Chronicle reported the Archbishops expression that Trump appears to be focusing on criminals, so hopefully the people who are here, who are working and contributing to society, can continue to be able to do so.

The archbishop added his encouragement over Trumps support for the March for Life as he spoke at a prayer service for a 61-year-old man who had been beaten to death.

In October 2016 Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) office blastedPresident Barack Obamas administration for allowing over 180,000 foreign nationals that have committed crimes within the United States to remain in America. Sessions office added that the Obama administration had allowed approximately 1 million illegal aliens with orders for removal to remain within the country.

San Francisco was the site of the death of Kate Steinle in July 2015. Steinle was killed at the hands of five-times deported, seven-time convicted felon illegal alien Juan Franciso Lopez-Sanchez. Lopez-Sanchez made a jailhouse confession to the crime and said that he had originally chosen to travel to San Francisco because of the citys policies hindering the deportation of illegal aliens.

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SF Archbishop: Church Will Help Illegal Aliens 'Know Their Rights' - Breitbart News

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