Southend residents protest against Government’s Illegal Immigration bill that would send refugees to Rwanda – Essex Live

A number of people gathered in Leigh-on-Sea this weekend to hold a protest against the Government's Illegal Immigration bill. The protest, organised by All Rise Collective, saw attendees from across the political spectrum turn up.

Locals gathered outside the constituency office of the MP for Southend West, Anna Firth, on Saturday (March 18) to protest against comments made by the Tory politician. During a discussion about immigration, she said "one of the most common complaints" she hears is about the use of hotels to house asylum seekers whilst homelessness is on the rise.

Protesters brought paper boats and letters for people to sign and post to the Southend MP. The protesting group said they "felt a duty" to tell their MP "her actions are in contrast to the compassion she claims to have for vulnerable people".

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They added: "We wholeheartedly believe the Illegal Immigration Bill going through parliament and the language surrounding this bill is scapegoating the most vulnerable to distract voters from the Conservatives abysmal 13 years in power."

Ms Firth, the MP for Southend West, said in the Commons on March 7: "Constituents in Southend West will warmly welcome the fact that this Government are taking a clear stand against illegal immigration, breaking the business model that the vile people-smuggling gangs depend on and stopping the boats.

"However, one of the most common complaints I hear on the doorstep is about expensive hotels housing asylum seekers while homelessness, sometimes including our armed forces veterans, is on the rise.

"Does my right honourable and learned Friend agree with me that that is not just unfair on the British taxpayer, but deeply unfair on those genuinely in need who are waiting patiently and legally for a roof over their heads?"

Responding, the Home Secretary said: "My hon. Friend is absolutely right to speak for the good people of Southend West in the way she does. The reality is that we have far too many people coming here. They put pressure on our accommodation, and therefore we are now forced to accommodate them in the expensive hotel estate.

"That cannot continue. It is costly, it is inappropriate and, frankly, it is unfair on the asylum seeker, because it is no fit place to stay for an indefinite period of time."

The Government's new Illegal Immigration Bill has been widely criticised as being draconian, whilst the UN said it is a clear breach of the Refugee Convention. Under the new rules, those who arrive in the UK by crossing the Channel illegally will not be entitled to use Modern Slavery laws to prevent their removal.

Only unaccompanied children, those medically unfit to fly and "at risk of serious and irreversible harm" in the country they would be deported to will be allowed to stay in the UK. People face being sent to their homeland or a "safe third country" such as Rwanda, the Mirror reports.

Stephanie Golder from All Rise Collective said Annas policy on refugees is out of sight, out of mind. She doesnt want to see any more children drown in the Channel, but doesnt want to give those children a safe route to come to this country. Why are we punishing children for the choices of adults? The only way to stop gangs is to provide proper legal routes.

It is a disgrace that Anna brought up the plight of the homeless, when it is in fact a political decision by her own party not to house them and nothing to do with refugees. Her statement that criminals are pushing veterans to the back of the housing queue is based on no facts whatsoever, when ex-service personnel actually get priority for housing in Southend.

The Tories have come up with 43 schemes to deter small boat crossings and they have failed every single time. Rather than put a dent in the profits of gangs, we end up with more children dead in the Channel. We wont forget Annas callousness when we go to the polls.

You could give each person arriving by small boats a million pounds and it still wouldnt be as much as the government lost through Track & Trace and dodgy PPE contracts. Lets not allow the Tories to divide and rule through their cruel culture war.

Sarah Yapp from Southend-on-Sea Climate Coalition added: "Anna said that the small boats problem is part of a wider, global migration crisis and shes right this crisis is exasperated by her government not only selling billions of pounds of arms to human rights-abusing countries but also by refusing to take any real action on the climate crisis.

"With 1.2b climate refugees predicted by 2050, Annas government need to get a firm grip on the issue and ensure people will be safe in their own countries."

Southend-on-Sea City Council say the Park Inn by Radisson Place is operating as a bridging hotel with a capacity for up to 118 people who arrive in the UK from Afghanistan as part of the resettlement scheme. They also said there are 135 Ukrainians who have arrived in Southend.

Cllr Ian Gilbert, cabinet member for economic recovery, regeneration and housing and councillor lead for tackling the cost-of-living crisis, previously said: "These are challenging times. The council has worked extremely hard alongside local community and faith groups to support refugees arriving here from Ukraine, Afghanistan, Syria and elsewhere. In many cases people are here owing to government decisions that the council has no say over. I am extremely proud of how we have responded to this challenge.

"Lack of affordable housing is a huge constraint in Southend, and we must be realistic about our capacity to help. Nevertheless, we will be positive about supporting people fleeing war and violence."


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Southend residents protest against Government's Illegal Immigration bill that would send refugees to Rwanda - Essex Live

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