There Is No Connection Between Measles Infections and Immigrants in the United States – Cato Institute

Earlier this week, we published apost on how there was no relationship between the spread of notifiable diseases in the United States and immigrant populations. Prior to the COVID-19 crisis, several commentators were concerned that immigrants especially illegal immigrants were spreading serious diseases like measles. This is afollow up post focusing on measles specifically, which is one notifiable disease. Alegitimate role of immigration policy is to limit the international spread of contagious diseases like measles. However, its also important to note the extent of this problem by showing that immigrants do not threaten ameasles outbreak.


Like our earlier post, here we test correlation between the incidence of measles and statelevel immigrant population shares for the 20102018 period. We use annual, statelevel measles data from the CDCs National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS), which reports the number of nationally notifiable infectious diseases and conditions by state and year. Anotifiable disease is one where the CDC states that regular, frequent, and timely information regarding individual cases is considered necessary for the prevention and control of the disease. In addition to other vaccinations, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services requires avaccination against measles to legally immigrate to the United States.

Foreignborn population data at the state level comes from the American Community Survey (ACS) provided by IPUMS. From the raw ACS microdata, we are able to use the residual technique refined by Christian Gunadi to specifically identify legal and illegal immigrants.


To test whether states with higher immigrant shares experience higher measles infection rates, we run atwoway fixed effects regression to estimate the correlation between the measles rate per 100,000 people and the share of immigrants in astate. The regressions use state and year fixed effects and the standard errors are clustered at the state level. Table 1shows the results of the regressions. They are all statistically insignificant except a1 percent increase in the share of astates illegal immigrant population is correlated with 0.06 fewer cases of disease per 100,000 state residents at the 5percent level. Although significant, thats avery small magnitude. There is no relationship between the share of astates population that is foreignborn and the rate of measles per 100,000 residents. There is also no relationship between the legal immigrant share of astates population and the rate of disease per 100,000 residents.

Figure 1shows the lack of arelationship between the immigrant share of the population and the incidence of measles infections on the state level. Figure 2shows the relationship between the illegal immigrant share of state populations and the incidence of these reportable diseases. The Yaxes on both graphs dont line up exactly because they are the measles values fitted with the state and year fixed effects.

Originally posted here:
There Is No Connection Between Measles Infections and Immigrants in the United States - Cato Institute

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