Washington Post Pushes Illegal Alien Sob Stories – LifeZette

The Washington Post published an astonishing piece of pro-illegal immigration propaganda on Wednesday, detailing the struggles of illegal aliens living under President Donald Trump.

In Trumps capital, undocumented immigrants live and work in the shadow of the White House, the title of the piece states, before detailing the individual sob stories of five illegal aliens.

I am entitled to be here, unapologetically so.

While no one can deny that there are indeed some illegal aliens residing in the country who are here through no fault of their own, The Posts article is far from an attempt to examine the illegal immigration issue in a balanced and thoughtful way.

Rather, it is a blatant attempt to elicit emotional reactions from readers by depicting illegal aliens squarely as victims of Trumps nefarious aims and it may end up backfiring.

While The Post unequivocallybelieves its efforts will help the cause it so clearly wishes to champion, the article itself is a prime example of the kind of mainstream media chicanery which has left publications like The Post utterly bereft of credibility on major issues in the eyes of the American people.

The first illegal alien introduced to readers is Claudette Monroy, who now fears she may have to leave George Washington University and go back to Mexico. But Monroy isn't some poor victim of her parents' actions like the typical Dreamer paraded by the mainstream media.

"At 15, using a visitor's visa, she came to live with her older sister in Virginia," The Post reports. "'The plan was I was going to finish my freshman year, and I was going to go back to Mexico,' she said. 'Then life happened. I was doing well in school.'"

Monroy was not dragged across the border by criminal parents. Instead, she herself knowingly and willingly decided to commit a criminal act by overstaying her visa.

Later on in the article, the reader is introduced to an individual who is such an obvious representative of the radical far-left agenda one might be forgiven for thinking The Post invented her out of thin air.

Catalina Velasquez is, according to The Post, is the "first transgender undocumented immigrant to graduate from Georgetown University." Velasquez's parents were deported while she was attending Georgetown.

"I have not been able to hug my mother since then," Velasquez told The Post. "Every year is one more Christmas, one more Thanksgiving, one more birthday that I don't get to see them. Sometimes it's debilitating. Sometimes it gives me the strength to say that this shouldn't happen to another family."

The audacity of this comment is breathtaking. The only thing preventing Velasquez from hugging her mother is her refusal to return to her own country. No one is forcing her to stay in the United States.

Her longing for his family may indeed be debilitating, but unlike the countless number of Americans who have lost loved ones to criminal illegal aliens, Velasquezhas the opportunity to see her family again; she simply refuses to take it.

But Velasquez, like all open borders radicals, believes she has a God-given right to reside in a country that isn't hers. "I am entitled to be here, unapologetically so," said Velasquez. Velasquez is not entitled to be here in the slightest, and her claim would likely be taken as offensive to many of theimmigrants in America who came into the country legally.

Not content to merely pick two of the worst possible choices for garnering sympathy for illegal aliens, The Washington Post also decided to accuse the Justice Department of widespread lawlessness, asserting that DOJ officials are actively and willingly violating federal immigration law on a mass scale.

"There are 11 million undocumented immigrants in the country. They are taxi drivers who find politicians in their back seats. They are child-care workers who get calls from Justice Department employees who are running late," the article asserts without providing any proof whatsoever.

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Washington Post Pushes Illegal Alien Sob Stories - LifeZette

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