Congress must pass immigration reform [letter] | Letters To The … – LNP | LancasterOnline

I felt compelled to respond to the May 12 LNP | LancasterOnline letter titled Border situation is a disaster.

In response to the writers question about what has happened to our immigration laws, the answer is, sadly, nothing. The major laws regulating immigration into the United States havent seen any meaningful updates or reforms since the mid-1980s. Even then, the so-called reform titled the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 was little more than an emergency attempt to stem the tide of people coming illegally to the United States largely at the behest of U.S. companies seeking cheap labor.

Title 42, on the other hand, wasnt an immigration law at all. It was a public health law that temporarily allowed U.S. authorities to deny entry to people as a means of stopping the spread of COVID-19. When the public health emergency surrounding COVID-19 ended, so did the legal authority conferred by Title 42.

If youre concerned about the situation at our southern border, Id suggest you speak to your elected representative about supporting meaningful immigration reform. That would necessarily include expanding our immigration courts to handle the thousands of legitimate and fully legal asylum requests currently awaiting adjudication. And we might also consider helping our southern neighbors stem the tide of violence currently driving their desperate citizens northward.

James Cohen

East Lampeter Township

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Congress must pass immigration reform [letter] | Letters To The ... - LNP | LancasterOnline

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