Escobar aims to improve conditions for military and immigrants – The Prospector

U.S. Rep.Veronica Escobar (D-El Paso) grew up with her parents and four brothers in El Pasos Lower Valley. They did not have much money, but they found their way with what theyhad.The congresswomansunwavering dedication to the region shines through in her commitment to keeping young talent in the area, create high-skilled jobs to help retain them, and usher the city into economic growth and prosperity.

CongresswomanEscobargraduated fromWilliam H. Burges High School and thenattendedThe University of Texas at ElPaso,where she received a bachelors degree in British and American Literature. Sheearned a masters degree in literature from New York University(NYU).After she graduated from NYU,she knew shedidnot want to pursue a doctorate in New York, deciding instead she would prefer a school in the University of California system. That plan was not to be, as she had a stopover in El Paso that resulted in Escobar becoming an English lecturer at UTEP and El Paso Community College to save for her doctoral degree.

I thought I was going to be an academic and I was ready to pursue adoctorate;Iwanted to be a professor for the rest of my life.I never imagined my life would take this kind of journey, saidEscobar in asit-downinterview with The Prospector.

In 1993,Escobar recounted thatduring her time as a teacher,she heardthen-Border Patrol ChiefSilvestreReyes(wholater served as Congressman for16thDistrict from1997 to 2013)publicly statethat he wanted to build awall between El Paso and Juarez.This event inspired her tojoinThe Border Rights Coalition,now known as the Border Network for Human Rights,where she became aself-describedhardcore activist.According to thecongresswomanthis is where she found her passion for civic engagement and wanting to help a vulnerable population but also wanting to make sure that our community did not become a xenophobic community.

In 1996,shegot involved withher first political campaign with Jose Luis Sanchez for the 16th Congressional District; the opponent was Silvestre Reyes. After the election,Escobar continued to volunteer at political campaigns for the next decade until she ran for El Paso County Commissioner. She served from 2007 to 2011 and then became El Paso County Judge from 2011 to 2017. Escobar originally ran for Congress in 2018 as a Democrat after former Congressman Beto ORourke (D-El Paso) decided to run for United States Senate.

During the interview, Escobar detailed some key issueson which she is currently working.


Escobar is currently on the Committee of Armed Services and Committee on the Judiciary in Congress.She is focused oncreating a safer environment for military individualsacross the nationas she aims to changea toxic cultureembeddedinto many military basesas part of the culture, she said.

I have had service members tell me Im not even going to bother reporting sexualharassmentbecause I see mypeers who report sexualassaultand not getjustice,Escobarsaid.One of the ways thecongresswomanisworking to change the cultureis by changing the way mentorship programs work in the military,making sure they arewell-funded and inclusiverather than dependentupon volunteers.She hopesto see anincreaseindiversityamongleadership andoverall tomakethe militarya safer space forservice members.

Immigration Reform

One of the biggest issuesEscobar is trying to shed a light on in Congress is the border and the process ofattainingasylum.She said shehas broughtroughly20% ofthe members of Congressto El Pasoto tourthe portsof entry, to show themthe perspective of law enforcement, attorneysand human rights activists.Escobarsaid shehas introduced abillin the U.S. Housethat is part of a suite ofbills focused of reforming the immigration system.

The Homeland Security Improvement Act(H.R. 3557)is focused on reforming theU.S.Department of Homeland Security toincreasetransparency, accountability, and community involvement, Escobar said.The bill alsofocuses on asylum seekers and the asylum process.

Under normal circumstances ifyoureanasylumseeker,you are essentially treated as a criminal, you are processed, you can be held in a processing facility for 10 hours for 10 days or,as we saw under the Trump administration,for weeks and then you are transferred to an ICE detention facility, Escobar said.So,we have to make a decision as a country as to whether we are going to criminalize everyone who comes across.I reject that notion;its not just inhumane,its not justunAmerican,its really expensive.

Escobar wishes toput Border Patrol back on the front lines,while also making the asylum process safe and whereasylum seekershave access to child welfare, legal, and adult welfare services.The bill seeksto remodel ports of entry tomake them seem more welcoming,while also making it so asylum seekers can be processed there instead of being moved from port to port, she said.

Forindividuals under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals(DACA), Escobarwantscomprehensive immigration reform,which would open up legal pathways for thoseseeking citizenship..The Build Back Better Act,a billpart of President Joe Bidens Build Back Better Plan,passed the U.S. House in November,and is currently awaiting a vote in the U.S. Senate. The bill, Escobar said, focuses on providing resources for family leave, immigration, and healthcare, as well as addressing climate change. The bill includes help for immigrants with work and travel permits, and relief from deportation for DREAMERS (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors), DACA recipients, farm workers, essential workers, and temporary permitholders, Escobarsaid.

Escobar is on the ballot in the Democratic primary March 1, running for reelection of her seat in the U.S. House of Representatives for the 16thCongressionalDistrictof ElPaso.

U.S. Rep. Veronica Escobar discusses military funding, immigration, bipartisanship, and student loans in an interview with The Prospector.

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar and Editor-In-Chief of The Prospector newspaper, Alberto Silva Fernandez, have a one-on-one interview and discuss topics such as military funding, immigration, bipartisanship, and student loans.

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar and Editor-In-Chief of The Prospector newspaper, Alberto Silva Fernandez, have a one-on-one interview and discuss topics such as military funding, immigration, bipartisanship, and student loans.

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar and Editor-In-Chief of The Prospector newspaper, Alberto Silva Fernandez, have a one-on-one interview and discuss topics such as military funding, immigration, bipartisanship, and student loans.

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar and Editor-In-Chief of The Prospector newspaper, Alberto Silva Fernandez, have a one-on-one interview and discuss topics such as military funding, immigration, bipartisanship, and student loans.

Congresswoman Veronica Escobar and Editor-In-Chief of The Prospector newspaper, Alberto Silva Fernandez, have a one-on-one interview and discuss topics such as military funding, immigration, bipartisanship, and student loans.

AlbertoSilva Fernandezmay be reached at[emailprotected].

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Escobar aims to improve conditions for military and immigrants - The Prospector

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