Florida Immigration Reform | Florida Immigration News

Comprehensive immigration reform legislation would give a majority of Americas 11 million undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship and work authorization. But with immigration reform stalled in the House, President Obama announced that he plans to fix as much of our immigration system as I can on my own, without Congress. The President is reportedly considering deferring the deportations of up to 5 million immigrants, starting with those with families. While most columnists have supported the Presidents authority to take action, a minority have accused President Obama of rewriting the law and called him a domestic Caesar.

Topics: Florida Immigration News, Florida Immigration Reform, Florida Hispanic community, Obama administration

Time is running out to pass immigration reform before the approach of the mid-term elections effectively precludes congressional action, President Barack Obama said Tuesday during a meeting with leaders of law enforcement.

Topics: Florida Immigration News, immigration reform, immigration, immigration news

A majority of Americans would vote for each of six different policy changes that Congress is considering as part of a comprehensive immigration reform bill.

Topics: undocumented immigrants, Florida Immigration News, Latino population, immigration reform

Groundbreaking poll of Latino undocumented immigrants shows 85% have U.S. citizen family members; and 87% would plan to apply for citizenship if immigration reform passes

Topics: undocumented immigrants, Florida Immigration News, Latino population, immigration reform

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, a Republican who is on a talking tour to publicize his proposals for an immigration overhaul, said on Thursday that tighter enforcement at the borders and in workplaces would be central to his plan, which would also offer legal status to millions of illegal immigrants.

Topics: Florida Immigration News, Florida Immigration Reform, Florida, inmigracin

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Florida Immigration Reform | Florida Immigration News

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