Immigration Reform 2015: Increase Of Immigrants In US …

Immigration reform has emerged as a central issue in the 2016 presidential election asmore and more candidates includetheir stance on the issue as part of their political platform. Sowhat do Americans as a whole think of immigration?

Here's what Gallup has discovered.Only 25 percent of the country prefers an increase in immigration, more than double the 12 percent in a similar June 2002 study, anew Gallup studypublishedMondayrevealed. Some 34percent feel that fewer immigrants should begranted entrance to the country, according to about 40 percent of respondents to this year'ssurvey.

The results were part of Gallup's Minority Rights and Relations survey conducted from June 15 to July 10, which included greater representation of black and Hispanic citizens in the sample than in past years. Known as "over-sampling," the practice involves taking a "closer look at attitudes and opinions of minority groups whose representation in the sample of a standard poll might otherwise be too small for statistical analysis," according to the study. All 2,296 respondents were older than 18; all wereinterviewed by phone.

Through the lens of race, respondents' positions on immigration varied greatly. Hispanic respondents, half of whom reported being immigrants themselves,were most likely to prefer increased immigration at 36 percent. At the other end of the scale,non-Hispanic white citizensdisplayed the lowest support for more immigration, with only 21 percent. African-American voters fell between the two with 30 percent in favor of higher immigration rates.

However, all three groups reported their highestsupport for increasedimmigration rates since the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001, the study found.

U.S. Immigration Summary | InsideGov

The presidential candidates' stances on immigration reform this election season reflect the study's diversity in opinion. Immigration issuesdominated the GOP debate Thursday, and the candidates gave varying responses tohow they plan to address undocumented immigrants.

There should be a path for earned legal status for those who are here, former Florida Gov. JebBushsaid. Not amnesty --earned legal status.

Real estate mogul Donald Trump, who credits himself with starting the presidential candidates' campaign trail conversation about immigration reform, reiterated remarks he has made before about wanting to build a border between the country and Mexico.

We need to build a wall, and it has to be built quickly, Trump said. And I dont mind having a big beautiful door in that wall so that people can come into this country legally.

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Immigration Reform 2015: Increase Of Immigrants In US ...

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