Immigration Reform | Americas Voice

Advocates, DREAM Leaders & Legal Experts Discuss Immigration Developments in the Senate and Pending Court Decision on Texas Lawsuit Between the ongoing, intra-GOP debate over Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding in Washington, DC and a looming court decision from Federal Judge Andrew Hanen in Texas on the Presidents executive actions, the immigration debate continues [] (02/06/15)

GOP Brand Plummets with One of the Fastest Growing American Voting Groups Media outlets are closely covering and criticizing Republicans continued failures to advance a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding bill loaded with measures to block President Obamas immigration executive actions. Beltway media outlets are highlightingRepublican in-fightingbetween the House and the Senate [] (02/06/15)

As we await a decision from Federal Judge Andrew Hanenon the Republican state legal challenge to PresidentsObamas immigrationactions, more andmore sensible voices continue toweigh in with their analysis ofthe law and policy. Yesterday David Leopold, former president of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA), took to the pages of the Huffington Post to explain why [] (02/05/15)

For Third Time This Week, Senate Tries and Fails on DHS Bill Loaded Up With Anti-Immigrant Poison Pills Only Path Forward is a Clean Funding Bill ASAP Today, for the third time this week, Senate Republicans failed to advance a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding bill that includes House-passed riders to block President [] (02/05/15)

Today, Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL) sided with anti-immigration restrictionists in his Party byvoting to invoke cloture on a House-passed Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding billthatincludesunnecessary, anti-immigrant riders and plays politics with the operations ofthis critical department. Instead of calling on his colleagues to responsibly commit the necessaryhomelandsecurity resources to the Department of Homeland [] (02/04/15)

Republicans Cant Get Over Obsession with Deporting DREAMers and their Families Today, for the second time in two days, Senate Republicans failed to invoke cloture on a House-passed Department of Homeland Security (DHS) funding bill that also guts President Obamasexecutive actions, ends the DACA program for DREAMers, and maximizes the deportation of immigrants firmly settled [] (02/04/15)

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Immigration Reform | Americas Voice

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