Immigration reform brings one family new hope this Christmas

HOUSTON (FOX 26) - For many Hispanic families here in the Houston area this Christmas brings new hope. Some say the best present is the President's immigration reform. One family shares their story of hope and determination.

Gabby Elvin, a mom of three, crossed the border from Honduras more than twenty years ago. She says this is her first Christmas finally feeling that America is truly home.

The executive order from President Barack Obama has Gabby Elvin and her three kids filled with the joyous holiday spirit.

"Truly it is like a gift because now I have the opportunity like what Obama just said for parents. Now I don't have to worry about being separated from my kids because that was something that worried me a lot," Elvin said.

She can't wait for deferred action which will protect many illegal immigrants from being deported. She says families will be able to get better jobs and no longer have to live in fear. The single mom has waited for this her whole life and now it's just a matter of time.

"I have my stuff together. So I'm good. I'm getting ready for them especially because they need me," Elvin said.

Like any parent, Elvin looks forward to giving her children a better life.

"I want my kids to go to college. I want my kids to do better than I did," Elvin said, "And they already have those documents and I didn't have the opportunity because of that."

In this home, the true meaning of Christmas is hope.

"Hope, chance. There's a lot of things I haven't had the chance to do and now I am going to have the chance with my kids," Elvin said.

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Immigration reform brings one family new hope this Christmas

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