Immigration Reform: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

Far from offering a bold new immigration reform plan that would "make America great again," Trump's plan recycles anti-immigrant ideas that were resoundingly defeated 150 years ago.

Republicans and Democrats alike need the Hispanic vote to seal the deal. But not a single presidential candidate has spoken favorably about our issues. To the contrary, we have become a political issue ourselves, a "problem" to be "solved" by whomever seeks the Oval Office next year.

Rafael Salazar

Research consultant, freelance writer and politics junkie

Donald Trump dropped his long-awaited immigration position paper this week. To no one's surprise, it is a long list of restrictionist clichs about immigrants taking jobs, abusing welfare, and lowering wages for Americans. Here are the five biggest inaccuracies.

David Bier

Immigration Policy Analyst, Niskanen Center

For religious progressives, often wary to mesh partisan politics with faith, the old Constitutional belief that there should be no religious test for office holds firm.

Rev. Dr. Chuck Currie

Director of the Center for Peace and Spirituality and University Chaplain at Pacific University

Unchecked corruption within Customs and Border Protection must be part of any discussion regarding the US southern border. The time has come to talk about reforming the agency. The Obama administration has the means to move us forward and should do so immediately.

Christian Ramirez

Director, Southern Border Communities Coalition; Human Rights Director, Alliance San Diego

Bernie Sanders can win--not just the primary, but the general. Democrats should back him, and ignore the arguments made by Barney Frank and others, who say giving Hillary the nod early is the only hope for victory in 2016.

In an effort to keep migrants from entering Britain through Channel Tunnel trains, the British government has recently decided to increase security around the train line at Coquelles and in the French town of Calais on the other side of the channel by building fences.

Leading up to the debate, we've heard much rhetoric from Republican presidential hopefuls that feeds into negative, untrue stereotypes of undocumented individuals.

Lizet Ocampo

Associate Director of Immigration, Center for American Progress Action Fund

Our immigration system has put all of the cards in the hands of employers and allowed them to wield entirely too much power over millions of captive and exploitable workers in our labor force.

Rubio's stumping in Iowa and across the nation almost entirely in Spanish is, quite frankly, a slap in the face to the intelligence of Latino Americans. The GOP's hope is that he will beguile voters with the "we're so alike" rhetoric and shared stories of heritage that they will not notice that his platform is set against their best interests.

This will work out to a total of about 10 minutes for each candidate over the life of the show. Sounds more like an extended high school musical audition than any sort of serious effort to identify the policy proposals and positions, and test the temperament, of the persons now seeking the presidency on the GOP side.

Terry Connelly

Dean Emeritus, Ageno School of Business - Golden Gate University

In normal years, this would be the official kickoff to the political Silly Season. This year, however, is not normal, as instead we're right at the kickoff of Presidential Debate Season, and the votes are already in -- the silly subject we're all going to obsess over this year is named Donald Trump.

Donald Trump is just flyin' up those polls! Such an unexpected surprise and I couldn't be happier. We need more hate and nastiness in our elections to keep people honest...he'll be a great president.

Getting attached to friends and places is no longer reckless. Dating can now be on the table. Transitioning from a month-to-month to a long-term lease is now allowed. The feeling of not owning my future is gone.

Cristina Lopez G.

Salvadoran millennial living in DC, lawyer, policy wonk and professional eye-roller

Unlike Donald's politics of fear that appeals to our worst instinct, many New Yorkers see their undocumented neighbors as friends and family contributing to the state as opposed to an invading army of rapists.

He will never be president, but for those who have a chance, and for the party that aspires to retake the White House in 2016, the last few weeks have been a squandered opportunity.

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Immigration Reform: Pictures, Videos, Breaking News

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