Immigration reform should recognize human dignity – Great Bend Tribune

To the editor:

We, the Dominican Sisters of Peace, speak out during National Migration Week to encourage a more inclusive society; one that supports and respects all its residents, regardless of birthplace or heritage. While Kansas has a history of welcoming newcomers, including immigrants, refugees, and newly naturalized citizens, many immigrants find themselves facing hostility and anger. The current political climate, with its polarizing rhetoric and intolerance, has created an environment in which immigrant and refugees are not seen as neighbors, but rather as burdens on an overtaxed social safety net. We have forgotten that these women, men, girls and boys are our sisters and brothers.

In the spirit of Catholic Social Teaching and in memory of the Holy Familys Flight to Egypt, we reject the dismissal of the immigrant or the isolation of the refugee.

Our current immigration system is morally broken. We need to lobby Congress to demand systemic immigration reform that honors the innate dignity of all human persons.

We stand in solidarity with all newcomers, and work for justice for all people.

Sister Patricia Twohill, prioress

Dominican Sisters of Peace

Great Bend

See original here:
Immigration reform should recognize human dignity - Great Bend Tribune

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