Letter: It’s time to pass the Freedom to Vote Act – Fitchburg star

My name is Henry. I grew up on a farm near Brooklyn, went away to serve during the turbulent 60s, came back to the Spring Green area, eventually moved to Green Bay then Wausau area and back "home" now after some 40 years.

During that time I served at various levels of government, including as town, village and city administrator/manager. That included stints in coastal North Carolina and the Ozarks of Missouri.

I have had the unfortunate opportunity to witness the widespread damage done by gerrymandered districts. It is so wrong for us to endure the ills of voting districts chopped up in order to assure partisan political advantage, all the while shunning citizens real needs and interests.

Gerrymandered political maps -- are sadly very much a fact of life in Wisconsin, and throughout too much of our nation. These rigged, non-representative political districts empower dark-monied special interests and are responsible for our current polarized government- state and federal.

Gerrymandering is hard at work creating non-competitive State Senate, Assembly and U.S. House districts that give rise to radical representation. That radicalization has caused stalemated government that fails to solve pressing issues -- be it climate change, gun safety, wage reform, competitiveness, immigration reform, police reform or minimum wage reform.

Perhaps moreso than ever, we need legislators who can govern, not bomb-throwers and anarchists who are so willing to tear our democracy asunder!

Senator Johnson and Senator Baldwin need to deliver the Freedom to Vote Act to the American people. To do that, they need to fix the Jim Crow era filibuster which is blocking progress of this overwhelmingly popular and urgently needed legislation.

The Freedom to Vote Act would protect our right to vote, end partisan gerrymandering and counter undemocratic and dangerous election sabotage efforts.

The time is now!

Henry Luxem


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Letter: It's time to pass the Freedom to Vote Act - Fitchburg star

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