Letters editor must have fun | Letters to the Editor | chronicleonline.com – Citrus County Chronicle

It must be fun for the person who reads and publishes some of these letters. They must laugh for most of the day. I get a kick out of them, some make me laugh others I disagree with, but people express their thoughts and opinions. Some start off with their military experience. "Well I served as the Bla bla bla." So what? I'm a veteran myself. What does that have to do with immigration? The most important thing is to get the facts right, this takes accurate research.

A lot of people just believe what a politician says or what they want to hear on propaganda TV stations. They hear for example "Biden is going to confiscate your gas stove?" How ridiculous! "inflation" was big for awhile now that it's coming down it's immigration and fear of another "Invasion." What happened to the caravans of millions of illegals in 2018 election cycle? The blue wave came and Republicans lost. No invasion.

Now they're at it once again for 2024. Local radicals in government can't get the job done on roads, lower taxes, out-of-sight insurance rates, and wasteful spending. BTW mine is being canceled because Farmers is no longer insuring in Florida!

These people like Finegan would rather focus on silly resolutions, woke policies, attacking library officials and things that don't affect your pocketbook. "Look there goes a squirrel" kinda thing. We know better than thatmost of us anyway.

There's no invasion coming to Citrus County, OK? It's more hype than fact. According to the FBI and law enforcement, the No. 1 threat is right wing extremism, not illegal aliens, and gun deaths, massacres on a daily basis , and all that's done by Republicans is to loosen gun laws. Immigration has been around for decades with Bush and Reagan giving "amnesty" to thousands of illegals. In 2013 we had a bipartisan gang of eight to fix immigration, and Republicans scrapped it. Trump said he was all for immigration reform in 2017, then after conferring with radicals in the Freedom Caucus pulled out. Instead we got this fabulous wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for. We got fraudsters like Steve Bannon that took money for a wall and bought a yacht with it.

The fact is, Republicans have never been serious on immigration, drug reforms or anything else.

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Letters editor must have fun | Letters to the Editor | chronicleonline.com - Citrus County Chronicle

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