Michelle Malkin exposes Soros and the globalist mass-migration racket – ImmigrationReform.com

Review of: Michelle Malkin, Open Borders Inc.: Whos Funding Americas Destruction (Washington,DC: Regnery Publishing, 2019).

Conservative pundit Michelle Malkins latest book is required reading for anyone wishing to understand the forces and interests behind the open borders and mass migration lobby. Open Borders Inc. is a scathing indictment of this irresponsible and dangerous lobby, and exposes it as a corrupt racket aiming to undermine the United States and other Western nations by making borders irrelevant and encouraging and facilitating massive and unsustainable levels of migration.

Malkins left-wing critics frequently label her (andpretty much anyone who supports common-sense pro-American immigration reform)as anti-immigrant. In fact, she is the daughter of legal immigrants from thePhilippines, who inculcated in her an attitude of gratitude the antithesisof the toxic defiance, arrogance, and resentment that typifies the newgeneration of open-borders beneficiaries, such as Somali-born MinnesotaCongresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), who is just one example. As opposed to herdetractors, Malkin believes in immigration policies that benefit the Americanpeople and respect our borders and national sovereignty. Open Borders Inc.has a very different vision, however.

The book dispels the illusion promoted by themainstream media and pro-mass-migration activists that the Central Americanmigrant caravans and the great waves of Muslim migrants pouring into Europe area largely spontaneous response to gang violence, war, and poverty. The reality,Malkin demonstrates, is that there are entire networks of people who encourage,organize, transport, feed, guide, smuggle, and otherwise facilitate these vastarmies of migrants. Much of this is driven by virtue signaling, utopianopen-borders zealotry, and, yes, also genuine compassion, but Open Borders Inc. shows that the entireenterprise is also big business.

Malkin does not mince words about the main mover andpusher funding the migrations to America and Europe: Its not a conspiracytheory. Its a conspiracy truth. Hungarian-bornbillionaire George Soros is the mastermind of mass-migration chaos. He is thecenter of the globalist galaxy, and its central financier. Furthermore,while the globalist left-wing multi-billionaire can plausibly deny directly subsidizing any specific orsingle caravan attempting to violate our borders, his elaborate network ofnonprofit grantees and sub-grantees around the world serve as advocates,activists, organizers, lawyers, and enablers for illegal alien and refugeeinfluxes. Between 1997 and 2013, his Open Society Foundations spent more than$100 million on immigrant rights, and in 2017 Soros transferred $18 billion of his wealth to the OSFs.

Why is Soros so committed to this cause? The reason isthat he like much of the globalist establishment in the West sees nationalsovereignty and borders as obstacles to some global system of politicaldecision-making () to stabilize and regulate a truly global economy and thepursuit of the common interest. The sovereignty of states, according toSoros, must be subordinated to international law and internationalinstitutions.

Other chapters of the book focus on topics such as:the Abolish ICE movement, which seeks open borders and views mass illegalimmigration as a way to decolonize America; the thugs and anarchists ofAntifa (self-described anti-fascists who often resort to violence andintimidation in pursuit of their radical agenda kind of like actualfascists); the Southern Poverty Law Center, which rakes in millions whilebranding any right-of-center individuals or organizations includingpro-American immigration reformers such as FAIR hate organizations; and thehypocrisy of the Hollywood elites who preach about the alleged morality of openborders and mass migration while simultaneously living comfortably and securelybehind walls and protected by armedsecurity.

Malkin also provides useful indices ofSoros-affiliated NGOs, a list of 60 Jihadis/terrorists who originally came tothe U.S. as refugees, and sanctuary jurisdictions. While the chapters may atfirst seem to jump from subject to subject, the reader will see that they formpart of a larger coherent whole. If you have friends or family who are on thefence about immigration, Open BordersInc. may be a great Christmas present for them.

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Michelle Malkin exposes Soros and the globalist mass-migration racket - ImmigrationReform.com

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