Obama reassures Latinos on immigration action

By Sara Fischer, CNN

updated 12:30 AM EST, Wed December 10, 2014

President Barack Obama sought to reassure Latinos his immigration policy is for real


Washington (CNN) -- Less than a month after President Barack Obama announced his executive action on immigration reform, the country's chief executive made a concerted effort to reach out the Latino community, and assure them that his policies will not be overturned under a new administration.

In back-to-back interviews Tuesday with networks that reach Spanish-speaking audiences, the President assured viewers that there is enough public support for his policies to carry over into a new administration, making it unlikely that they will be deported.

"The American people believe that if you've done things the right way, then you shouldn't be punished for it," Obama said in an interview with Telemundo's Jose Diaz-Balart.

"You're not gonna see Democrats or Republicans who suggest that we're gonna treat worse the people who did the right thing compared to those folks who don't register, don't go through a criminal background check and haven't been paying their taxes," he said.

Speaking to viewers who qualify for a path to citizenship under his executive action, the President vowed, "You can register, and you can be assured you won't be deported."

"We are going to make sure that families -- people who are working and responsible in their communities -- are not prioritized for deportation," Obama said. "So the likelihood of their deportations are going to be much lower."

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Obama reassures Latinos on immigration action

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