Tame the temper, GOP: Show compassion on immigration

I've come up with a fabulous plan to deal with the estimated 11 million people who are in this country illegally.

Call Uber. Maybe the U.S. government can get a high-volume group discount, and deport everybody for a minimum rate of $2.40 per person.

If that's too unwieldy, send in reinforcements. Call Mears and Greyhound and Amtrak, although that would be my last option, since those desperados would probably jump off a train before it crossed the border.

But hey, immigration problem fixed! Deport them all!

Perhaps the obstinate core of GOP naysayers opposing immigration reform have a better idea?

Right now they're just stomping their little feet and screaming "No!" It's the equivalent of Johnny having a little temper tantrum if mommy doesn't buy him the new "Grand Theft Auto" video game.

Be careful, America. It's no video game: Those immigrants are poised to steal the very foundation of our country. Next thing you know, mariachi bands and piatas will be required at all birthday parties.

Color me delusional or if you prefer, whacky liberal socialist but I'm a little bit optimistic that we can work things out.

I stand with my president on immigration reform.

"Although the Congress has not addressed our broken immigration system by passing comprehensive reform legislation, my administration will continue to take every possible step to build upon the progress already made."

See the original post here:
Tame the temper, GOP: Show compassion on immigration

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