Understand US Immigration From the Border to the Heartland (2022) – Poynter

Immigration is woven into the fabric of American society. Its also complex, politically polarized and ever-evolving. This six-part, self-directed course will give journalists a thorough understanding of immigration and immigrants in the United States, as well as the skills and resources to produce strong, accurate storytelling.

Through readings and activities, you will evaluate and contextualize existing immigration research and the latest U.S. census data about immigrants. You will explore immigration enforcement practices, legal immigration processes, the policy positions of advocacy organizations, as well as the status of existing proposals and pending legislation for immigration reform. You will also learn key context for contemporary debates by reviewing the history of immigration laws and reform efforts from the first immigration law in 1790 which granted citizenship only to free white persons to the present day.

In addition to developing a foundational knowledge about immigration in the U.S., you will analyze examples of effective journalism and fact checks about immigration to hone your own story ideas, whether its quick turn-a-around articles to more extensive investigations.

You will think about how to get to know your local immigrant communities in their complexity Latino, Asian, Middle Eastern, European, African and how to approach them as a journalist. You will also develop strategies to obtain information and interviews from immigration officials, how to gain access to detention facilities, and persons in Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody.

Whether youre looking to diversify your sources, tell more nuanced stories about your community, uncouple political rhetoric from policy proposals or simply level up as a well-rounded reporter, this immigration course is for you.

If you need assistance, email us at info@poynter.org.

People working in journalism who cover immigration, immigrant communities, labor, agriculture, government, education and more will benefit from this training. Anyone who wants to learn more about how immigration works in the United States is also welcome to enroll.

This self-directed course is free, thanks to the support of our sponsor, Catena Foundation.

See the rest here:
Understand US Immigration From the Border to the Heartland (2022) - Poynter

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