Voice of the People: Immigrants who come to US need amnesty, understanding – Akron Beacon Journal

Akron Beacon JournalLegalizing people is wrong focus

While I agree with the need for revamping the very broken and oppressive immigration system, my response to the Feb. 10 editorial (Immigration reform shouldn't ignore enforcement), is that U.S. policies worked to break the economies and traumatize the Central American populations for generations to come.

Let us not overfocus on all the right rules to legalize human beings that were coming here in the first place to escape war, corrupt governments with militarized police, loss of farmland, hurricanesand often extreme poverty. Yes, we need a new system, but it was our U.S.government that helped cause multigenerational trauma, which is why we see young families putting their lives at risk to get to this country by riding the Beasttrain orbig trucks, walking across desertsor hiring expensive coyotes.

We need amnesty for most of these families that are trying to escape and, often, reunify with families that came here when the wars were raging. Let us focus on the root causes for these great migrationsand reach out to support programs that help reestablish stability in those countries long seen as banana republics. Might our hearts grow bigger for our brown and black friends, wherever they may be. Lets think this through more deeply.

Kathy Ress, Cuyahoga Falls

Sen. Rob Portman hasa chance at redemption and he seems determined to pander to the QAnon faction of his party. In his Feb. 10 press release regarding the constitutionality of the Senate impeachment trial, he states the framers reserved the tool of impeachment for removal of current presidents, not private citizens. He conveniently forgets that the Constitution states in Article 1 section 3 that judgments in impeachment include disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States.

Disqualification seems like an appropriate punishment for a seditionist. How can reasonable and intelligent people regain control of their party of law and order by continuing to ignore and excuse this crime against the government? Portman also says former President Trump bears some responsibility for the tragic events of January 6, through his words and actions. If not you, Sen.Portman, then who will hold him accountable?

Tim Fry, Hudson

I am 74. Both my husband and I received our first Moderna vaccine on Feb.4at the Summit County health department. We are also scheduled for a second appointment there in March. We were all done in an hour, including waiting in the car lane and 20 minutes of wait time following. Our next appointment was scheduled while we waited.

Not surprisingly, we both experienced a sore arm, and I was very sleepy the nextday. I have a lot of allergies, but two days later felt perfectly normal.

A big thank you to the staff of Summit County Public Health; they get an A+. I did not feel the shot when it was given. I encourage everyone who is eligible to get the vaccine ASAP. You will not just protect yourself but our entire community.

Nancy Rose Foye-Cox, Akron

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Voice of the People: Immigrants who come to US need amnesty, understanding - Akron Beacon Journal

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