We need immigration reform to help people who have lived in this country and paid taxes for decades | PennLiv – pennlive.com

There are many undocumented residents in the United States who have been paying taxes for over 20 years. I know one undocumented family who has been living in the USA for over 29 years paying taxes as a voiceless people group.

Some might be smuggled to the United States due to the gang violence, poverty, and corrupted social system in their country. Some have become undocumented even though they entered the country legally and earned an academic degree. They were unable to find work or the company that employed them didnt have enough business to be able to sponsor them.

This situation leads many white-collar, undocumented people to become voiceless, right-less and helpless people in our country.

Id like to appeal for the reformation of immigration laws. Currently, our immigration reform is focused on the Dream Act. That is surely a win/win situation.

But there are people who came to the United States in their thirties and paid their taxes faithfully. Many are now in their sixties and wouldnt benefit from the Dream Act, even though they have spent their whole lives in America as faithful taxpayers.

I propose anyone who has lived in the United States longer than 15 years and has proof of paying taxes should be granted an immediate, permanent Visa to allow them to remain in this country.

There also are many children who have been suffering from their parents cancellation of their adoption. If adopted parents did not pursue their childs citizenship status, he or she becomes an international orphan. Some of these adult children even ended their lives because they couldnt find any place to call home.

For this reason, I believe the adopted childs application for citizenship should be mandated at the international airport when they first arrive in the United States.

Sarah H Kim is pastor of the Nittany/ Sugar Valley Charge in Loganton, Pa.

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We need immigration reform to help people who have lived in this country and paid taxes for decades | PennLiv - pennlive.com

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