Yoku Shaw-Taylor: The undocumented and the need for comprehensive immigration reform | COMMENTARY – Capital Gazette

No matter how much some nativists might wish it were so, the United States does not have the authority to force other countries to take back their citizens. Also, for illustrative purposes, let us say it would cost an average of $1,000 per person (transportation to the departure site, housing and food until departure, and the return flight). This basic estimate suggests that the cost could approximately be $10,500,000,000 to remove all undocumented immigrants. An Immigration and Customs Enforcement estimate of the average cost per deportation was $10,854 including all costs necessary to identify, apprehend, detain, process through immigration court, and remove an alien. This estimate accounts for the costs of law enforcement efforts of apprehension and physical removal from the country, and the efforts of the legal system and courts required to remove someone out of the country. Removing all undocumented immigrants would reduce the nations GDP by nearly 6% and substantially decrease the workforce by the number of people removed.

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Yoku Shaw-Taylor: The undocumented and the need for comprehensive immigration reform | COMMENTARY - Capital Gazette

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