Best Online Marketing Services of 2015 | Top Ten Reviews

Online marketing services should be an important part of your business model and overall marketing strategy. Managing and promoting your brand online can lead to increased sales, more web traffic, and higher rates of recognition for your brand.

Though doing online marketing yourself may seem like an appealing and cost-effective option, you need to have the time to devote to it and understand the concepts of online marketing. By doing it yourself, in the end you may lose much more than you gain. By hiring an outside company to work on your online campaign, you can focus on the day to day of growing your business, knowing that your company is in good hands.

The best online marketing services do not just provide services, they also work closely with you to ensure they are meeting the needs of your business and target audience. An online campaign run well can extend the reach of your small to medium business and give you new opportunities for growth.

For more information, see our articles on the best online marketing companies or check out our reviews of the top three products: Portent, Mainstreethost and ReachLocal.

Business owners have many things on their plate to begin with; managing the many details involved with an online marketing campaign does not have to be one of them. As search engine algorithms shift and new forms of media are developed, finding a company to partner with that stays up-to-date on the best online marketing practices is crucial for your business' success.

When deciding which company is the best fit for you, we looked at companies that provide you with many options in online marketing services and that have established, positive reputations in the online marketing industry. These are the criteria we used when evaluating the best online marketing services:

Client Tools These tools are intended to provide you with the best information there is about online marketing services. Companies should demonstrate their understanding of online marketing and produce relevant, original content on their websites. This includes resources, like worksheets and infographics, that help you calculate your return on investment, and a blog that discusses online marketing tactics and explains them to the average reader.

The best companies frequently update these resources with accurate information. They also create additional resources, like educational videos, and provide specialized training for you and your business team.

Performance & Tracking Online campaigns generate large amounts of data that you can use and apply toward managing your campaign. This data is lost, though, if you do not have an online marketing company that analyzes it and provides you with detailed reports. The best online marketing companies also help you make sense of the numbers and decide which course of action is best to take.

Another key area to look at is whether companies offer ways to help you analyze your competitors, so you can learn from their success and failures to boost your campaign. The best services are Google Certified Partners whose employees have taken courses and stay educated in the best online marketing practices.

SEO Services Search engine optimization services are a key part of online marketing. Popular search engines are what drive traffic to your website. SEO services include keyword research, link building and copy writing. Companies should provide a complete site audit before they begin to create a strategy so that when they begin, you can be assured they are taking the best steps. The best online marketing companies will help you create content for your site based on the top keywords for your niche industry.

Website & Social Media Your website and social media channels, like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, make up a large portion of your online brand. Your website is the face of your company online, and social media shows how you interact with consumers and what kind of brand you have established. An online marketing strategy should help you manage your social media and provide counseling on strategies. The best services will help you redesign your website by providing advice or redesigning the site for you. Optimized websites have faster load times and operate on multiple viewing platforms, including mobile.

Help & Support Paying for an online marketing firm is an investment in your company's future, and as such, you should have access to help and support whenever you need it. You should be able to easily find contact information for a support representative, including a phone number and email address. The best online companies have live chat and provide you with a personal contact who is familiar with your company and its needs.

No matter what type of business you are running, the best online marketing company should be able to learn your company's needs, develop an online marketing strategy that will bring more traffic to your website and convert visitors into meaning leads for your company.

Read more here:
Best Online Marketing Services of 2015 | Top Ten Reviews

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