How Coaches Can Get More Calls from Prospects! – HuffPost

Naren Arulrajah is the founder and CEO of Ekwa. It is dedicated to helping doctors who know where they want to go get there with done-for-you internet marketing. He is proud of the fact that 90% of his clients stay with Ekwa year after year.

Are you a business coach or consultant? Do you want the specific steps for how to achieve your first million while creating a bigger impact? Then this article is for you.


A key belief that Naren feels made him more successful is: embrace failure. Naren loves to fail fast so that he breaks what does not work and can more quickly find what will work!


Narens 3 golden nuggets are:

1. Be clear on what you want to accomplish. Make this your purpose that drives all of your decisions and actions forward.

2. Have mindset that things dont instantly work out. The truth is the BIG success that you are seeking is years in the making. Keep the long-view in mind. Give 1,000% to everything you do, knowing that the rewards will grow over time.

3. Focus on making a difference. Your entire life is about making your difference so make that your personal motto.


Narens advice on how to identify and close a high-paying client in 48 hours:

1. Get into the mindset of your ideal client what are they thinking and saying to themselves?

2. Ask a great client who is in love with the work you are doing with them for the names of 2-3 more people like them.

3. Have them gift one of your products (you give it you client for free) to those 2-3 people.

4. Get them and each of those people on the phone together. Focus on the prospects problems and challenges. What they want to accomplish. Get the current client to talk about how you helped them solve the same or similar problem.

As a legacy, Naren wants to grow 1,000 times over the next 30 years. Click here to listen to more of JV Crum III interviewing Naren on the Conscious Millionaire Show.

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Named by Inc Magazine as one of the Top 13 Business Shows to listen to in 2017, host J V Crum III is known for his LIVE On-Camera Trainings where he creates a Breakthrough for six-figure business coaches and consultants by helping them find $50,000 or more in hidden revenues then develop steps to put it in their bank account. He works with business coaches and consultants who want to reach their First Million by helping them scale quickly while making a positive impact and enjoying a high-quality life. JV is both the host of the syndicated radio show and podcast, Conscious Millionaire Show, and the best-selling author of Conscious Millionaire: Grow Your Business by Making a Difference. JV holds multiple certifications in NLP and has graduate degrees in three areas: law, business and psychology (JD, MBA, MS).

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How Coaches Can Get More Calls from Prospects! - HuffPost

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