Hyper-Specific Content Marketing – WealthManagement.com

Since the first introduction of Apples iPhone in 2007, the Internet superhighway has become more cluttered than an L.A. freeway. That might sound like a negative, but since Google became a verb and search engines became the smartest person in the room, internet clutter is a fantastic thing.

Why? It allows us to run hyper-specific searches. In the early days of the Internet, if you had trouble with a lawn tool, it was cutting edge to run an online search for small engine repair. Now youd cut straight to the chase by searching changing the filter in a 2014 Honda CR27 pressure washer. This is a trend that advisors can use to their advantage.

The best advisor content right now is hyper-specific.

When you narrow your focus, your content becomes more useful, more searchable and more likely to convert into new business. Weve ridden this wave since 1978. Back then, we gave away material (in print at the time), which helped us build relationships and, eventually, led to new business. Our focus has become more and more targeted every year; now focusing on one industry and covering only a handful of topicsbut going deeper into these topics than anyone else.

So how do you go about riding this wave of hyper-specific content? These steps should help:

The idea is not to bombard prospects every day with useless information disguised as content (junk), but to position yourself as a thoughtful professional who regularly gives away useful advice. Who will you target?

@StephenBoswellis President of The Oechsli Institute and author ofBest Practices of Elite Advisors.@KevinANicholsis the Chief Operating Officer for The Oechsli Institute and author ofThe Indispensable LinkedIn Sales Guide for Financial Advisors.

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Hyper-Specific Content Marketing - WealthManagement.com

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