Internet Marketing | Internet Marketing New Zealand | Lead …

If you are a business owner or marketing manager looking for how to better utilise Internet marketing for your company, then you are probably in the right place. We can help you, and have the official Google Certification and dozens of happy clients with current #1 and page #1 websites to prove it.

Then Internet New Zealands Internet marketing solutions are for you.

You need the best advice you can get and you need to know that the company you trust with any of your online marketing or otherwise can produce the results you are looking for.

With over 10 years experience in Internet marketing disciplines from Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), to Website Design & Conversion Optimisation, AdWords, Sales Copywriting, and much more we know what it takes to help you grow your business online.

Working on your Internet marketing should be a strategy first process, it is easy to get sold on one aspect, such as SEO or AdWords, when in reality different businesses and different business categories require different approaches.

You are different and your business is different and your goals are different so need a strategy that reflects your strengths and weaknesses as well as that of your market, while suiting your budget, cashflow and short and long term goals. Measurement is a close second as we cannot get you to where you want to be without a solid understanding of where you are now this is where Google Analytics comes in.

Your Internet marketing strategy will come complete with an ROI calculation based on best industry figures. If you want to measure your Internet marketing based on measured dollar increases in sales, percentage increases in turnover, numbers of qualified leads generated, then you are speaking our language.

We keep all the industry jargon locked in the cupboard and will speak to you in terms of your business and results that matter to you which you can measure month to month to monitor progress and calculate ROI.

If there is an opportunity for your business online and we can identify this and demonstrate it to you with an ROI calculation, then there really is no selling to be done, just a conversation about your goals, a measurement of where you are at, an investigation of the opportunities available, and then a decision for you as to whether you want to take this opportunity or not.

The initial conversation comes with no commitment and you will get an honest appraisal of your current position and an idea of the opportunities for both some short term wins (6 months) and the development of a long term Internet marketing strategy (12+ months) to keep your business ahead of the competition in the increasingly valuable online space.

Take a look at our case studies (including testimonials) for an in-depth view and analysis of Internet marketing strategies for valued clients we have worked with.

If you are ready for an honest look at your online performance then contact us for a FREE consultation. Well help you understand your core business goals and determine whether Internet marketing is the right option for you.

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Internet Marketing | Internet Marketing New Zealand | Lead ...

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