Internet Marketing – Warrior Forum

CLICK HERE FIRST: Check Out My No.1 Recommended Way For YOU To Start Making Money Online! When asked what was the most important invention of the 20th century? 7% said television, 11% said the telephone and 80% said the computer. Pick up any magazine, watch any television show, read any newspaper .com is the buzz word of the millennium.

Ecommerce has arrived and guess whose shopping? Teenagers, generation Xers, baby boomers, and even seniors (the fastest growing segment online).

Ask youself 3 questions:

Is internet marketing the future? Are there fortunes being made off of internet marketing? Are you making a fortune off of internet marketing? Why not?

Fortunes are being made now, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. The 50 richest people under the age of 40..guess what? Over half of them made their fortunes on the internet and believe it or not, you can too. All you need is access to a computer.

Internet marketing will do 2 things: create new opportunities and destroy old ways and methods of doing business. Welcome to the internet gold rush, you can stake your claim or sit back and watch it all happen. Youve got 4 chances to make money on the internet right now.

Become an investor the problem, you must pick the right stock and have money you are willing to risk. Become a developer the problem, you need technical training. Are you ready to quit your job and go back to school? Become a seller the problem, you need a marketable product or service, lawyers and patents and infrastructure and a website..a good one because 4/5 people never re-visit the average site. You can start now with what you have and where you are. The internet marketing revolution will only happen once and everyone reading this will have the same opportunity. Bottom line, get involved or get run over.

How can you get involved, what do you have to bring to the table? Your mouth. You see the internet has a problem, there are millions of websites out there and you will never see them all, no one ever will. You know companies like amazon and google are making billions right. Well they spend a huge portion of that on advertisements; banner ads, newspaper ads, radio ads, even $2 million dollar Superbowl ads for people to get to their site. Imagine all the movies that come out, you didn't see them all. You saw the ones everyone-family, friends and people on your social media recommended. Word of mouth advertising works.

How do you cash in? That PC youre on right now is 100x more powerful than the computer that sent man to the moon. Its time to put it to work. Call it network marketing, affiliate marketing, direct selling, referral marketing, call it whatever you want. Its already a multibillion dollar industry. A business you can do part time or full time and can be started at home with little or no capital, low overhead, no employees and no special business experience or technical skills; a business that allows you to work your hours, your goals; a business that offers time and financial freedom and a franchise like step-by-step business plan and according to most experts, a home based business offers incredible tax advantages.

About 96% of adults from the age of 25-44 are looking to own their own business. The question is, are you ready? Are you tired of being passed up for promotions, commuting; are you ready to work your own hours, take a vacation when you want to, drive the car youve dreamed about, live where you want to live and retire in style and not in a shoe string? Look at the facts, even after all thats happened, this is just the beginning. What are you going to say 10, 20, even 30 years from now when your grandkids ask you if you were involved in the internet marketing revolution. The greatest boom is still ahead, the next few years will make you or break you; you have to make your choice. If not now, when? If not you, who? If not this, what? For once in your life, you can definitely say Im in the right place at the right time.

DON'T MISS OUT: Check Out My No.1 Recommended Way For YOU To Start Making Money Online!

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Internet Marketing - Warrior Forum

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